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Case 1 Difficult Transitions 1. Identify several concepts and characteristics from the field of organizational behavior that this case illustrates?

The concepts and characteristics areIn ivi ual i!!eren"e#$ Every individual in the world is different from others. This idea is supported by science. Each person is different from all others, probably in million ways, just as each persons DNA profile is different. The idea of individual difference comes originally from psychology. rom the day of birth, each person is uni!ue, and individual e"periences after birth tend to ma#e people even more different. %er"e&tion$ $eoples perceptions are also differ when they see an object. Two people can differently present a same object. And this is occurring for their e"periences. A person always organi%es and interprets what he sees according to his lifetime of e"perience and accumulated value. Employees also see wor# differently for differ in their personalities, needs, demographics factors, past e"periences and social surrounding. Motivate 'ehavior$ An employee has so many needs inside him. &o, they want to fulfill those needs. That's why( they had to perform well in the organi%ation. &ome motivations are needed to enrich the !uality of wor#. A path toward increased need fulfillment is the better way of enriches the !uality of wor#. (e#ire !or involve)ent$ Every employee is actively see#ing opportunities at wor# to involve in decision-ma#ing problems. They hunger for the chance to share what they #now and to learn from the e"perience. &o, organi%ation should provide them a chance to e"press their opinions, ideas and suggestion for decision-ma#ing problem. A meaningful involvement can bring mutual benefit for both parties. *alue o! the &er#on$ An employee wants to be treated separately from other factor of production )land, capital, labor*. They refuse to accept the old idea that they are simply treated as economic tools because they are

best creation of almighty Allah. or this reason, they want to be treated with carrying respect, dignity and other things from their employers and society. The nature o! organization There are two assumptions as to nature of organi%ation. So"ial S+#te)#$ +rgani%ations are social systems and governed by social and psychological laws. They have social roles and status. Their behavior influenced by their group's individual drives. +rgani%ation environment in a social system is dynamic. All parts of the system are interdependent. Mutual intere#t$ ,n order to develop the organi%ation behavior mutually of interest organi%ations and people is necessary. +rgani%ations need people and people in tern need organi%ations. $eople satisfy their needs through organi%ation and organi%ation accomplish their goal through people. Ethi"#$,n order to attract and retain valuable employees in an era in which good wor#ers are constantly re!uired away, ethical treatment is necessary. To succeed, organi%ation must treat employees in an ethical fashion. Every -ompany is re!uired to establish codes of ethics, publici%ed statements of ethical values, provided ethics training, rewarded employees for notable ethical behavior, publici%ed positive role models, and set up internal procedures to handle misconduct.
2. What advice can you give Tony? How would this advice be supported or tempered by behavioral concepts and processes?

Although all people have some characteristics in common, the composite of our individual characteristics ma#es us uni!ue. .e react in individual ways to common messages. .e want to be our own person. .ith the growing emphasis on behavioral aspects in management, new attention has been focused on understanding humans as dynamic beings with constantly changing needs and desires. As a result, business has adopted policies and practices that are more people oriented than thing oriented. Although it is often difficult to implement, the newer philosophy could perhaps be phrased li#e this/ 0The right person for the job0 is a temporary solution because people change( rather 0 the right job for the person0 is no doubt a more viable policy. Employees to be motivated by/ 1.$hysiological needs. The needs related to food, shelter, and protection from the elements. 2.&ecurity and safety needs. The needs to be free from physical danger and to be secure in the feeling that physiological needs can be met. 3.&ocial needs. The needs to be loved, to be accepted, and to belong.

4.Ego needs. The needs such as those to be heard, to be appreciated, to be wanted. These needs deal with status. 5.&elf-actuali%ing needs. The needs to achieve one6s fullest potential through professional, philanthropic, political, educational, and artistic channels. As people satisfy needs at the first level, they are then motivated by those at the second level. As second-level needs are satisfied, those at the third level prevail, and so on. Each need level is always with us, however. 7ower needs simply diminish in importance as motivators as we satisfy them.

. Is it possible to find an !ideal! place to wor"? #$plain.

or many Americans, loo#ing for a job means finding an employer who will hire you and pay a decent salary - few ta#e the time to ensure the company is a good fit over the long haul. 08any people do more research when they buy an air conditioner than when ta#ing a job,0 said Alan 9ohnson, managing director of 9ohnson Associates, a compensation consultancy in New :or#. 0.hen you buy an air conditioner, you read -onsumer ;eports, you tal# to people,0 he said. <ut 0people ta#e jobs almost on whims.0 <efore you can determine whether a wor#place matches your ideal, you'll need to #now what that ideal is. &ome people want a lot of freedom to ma#e their own mista#es. +thers don't want to wor# long hours, said Tag =oulet, chief e"ecutive of, a publisher of career guides. 0$eople have to ma#e up their own list. >sually a good starting point is what didn't they li#e at their previous job.0 ,t is always essential to attire the component when interviewing for a wor#. $eople have a tendency to see a person who a person who's dressed properly as a far more s#illed prospect. :ou don't must ma#e oneself stand out whenever, but outfit for the aspect regardless if you're just decreasing away from a continue or program. ?ave !uestions in place prior to your interviewer. :ou will often occasions be !uestioned if there are actually in!uiries. Don't restrict yourself by only applying for a single label because so many jobs could possibly have multiple titles. ;esearch on the web to find very similar brands to do the job titles that complement what you will be loo#ing for. This will allow you to sign up for more wor# available. ?owever the organi%ation could allow staff members to dress casually, it pays to offer on your own within a s#illed approach.

Case 2 Humanized Robots? 1. How successful do you thin" Helen %owers&s new plan will be?

Although ?elen grew up in the family business, she never understood her father@s approach. 9a#e had treated his employees li#e part of his family. ,n ?elen@s view, however, he paid them more than he had to, as#ed their advice far more often than he should have, and spent too much time listening to their ideas and complaints. .hen ?elen too# over, she vowed to change how things were done. ,n particular, she resolved to stop handling employees with #id gloves and to treat them li#e what they were/ the hired help. ,n addition to changing the way employees were treated, ?elen had another goal for <owers. &he wanted to meet the challenge of international competition. 9apanese firms had moved aggressively into the mar#et for heavy industrial e!uipment. &he saw this as both a threat and an opportunity. +n the one hand, if she could get a toehold as a parts supplier to these firms, <owers could grow rapidly. +n the other, the lucrative parts mar#et was also sure to attract more 9apanese competitors. ?elen had to ma#e sure that <owers could compete effectively with highly productive and profitable 9apanese firms. rom the day ?elen too# over, she practiced an altogether different philosophy to achieve her goals. or one thing, she increased production !uotas by 2A percent. &he instructed her first-line supervisors to crac# down on employees and eliminate all idle time. &he also decided to shut down the company softball field her father had built. &he thought the employees really didn@t use it much, and she wanted the space for future e"pansion.
2. What challenges does Helen confront?

All in all, ?elen thought, things should be going much better. +utput should be up and costs should be way down. ?er strategy should be resulting in much higher levels of productivity and profits. <ut that was not happening. .henever ?elen wal#ed through one of the plants, she sensed that people weren@t doing their best. $erformance reports indicated that output was only marginally higher than before but scrap rates had soared. $ayroll costs were indeed lower, but other personnel costs were up. ,t seemed that turnover had increased substantially and training costs had gone up as a result. ,n desperation, ?elen finally had hired a consultant. After carefully researching the history of the organi%ation and ?elen@s recent changes, the consultant made some remar#able suggestions. The bottom line, ?elen felt, was that the consultant thought she should go bac# to that 0humanistic nonsense0 her father had used. No matter how she turned it, though, she just couldn@t see the wisdom in this. $eople wor#ed to ma#e a buc# and didn@t want all that participation stuff.

. If you were Helen&s consultant' what would you advise her to do?

<efore you can ma#e the business organi%ed, you must first be organi%ed. ,f your organi%ational s#ills are average or below average, perform a self-evaluation by as#ing these !uestions/ ?ow long does it ta#e you to complete each tas#B Are they being done correctly so that you won't have to redo themB Are you prioriti%ing everything correctlyB Are you spending too much time on certain tas#sB ?ave you structured your files so that you can access them !uic#lyB Are you becoming overwhelmed by too much paperwor#B ?ave you been doing everything you need to do to be an organi%ed wor#erB $inpoint the areas you need to improve on, and prepare to tac#le them. +nce you have determined the areas you need to improve on, it is time to act on your admittance. :our daily tas#s are your responsibilities( therefore, you should treat them as such. $lan in advance for each tas# by mar#ing your duties for the wee# in your planner. As things come up, record them immediately. Ceep visible paperwor# to a minimum, #eeping only what is needed for the moment on your des#. 8aintain a computeri%ed and paper filing system. 7abel all materials and put all related content in the same folder. .hen your wor# schedule becomes hectic and you e"perience constant interruptions, tend to them in order of priority. ,f an interruption calls for immediate attention, before tending to it, chec# to see how your other responsibilities will be affected. ,n prioriti%ing, you will find that some assignments can wait. Tac#le each tas# according to priority, and you will meet your deadlines.

=ood organi%ational s#ills in business may come naturally to you, or you may have to wor# at it. <y applying discipline and practice, it is a s#ill that almost anyone can master. Do it every day and it will become a habit. $oor organi%ational s#ills result in an imbalanced wor#load, which leads to your confusion. This confusion can cause you to miss appointments and decreases your problem-solving abilities, reflecting negatively on your professional image. $lan each day ahead of time, write down important information, do not accept more wor# than you can handle, and always follow up on phone calls and emails. <alance will follow.

Case 3 Teams at Evans RV Wholesale

u!!l" and Distribution Com!an"?

1. What mista"es has (le$ already made in developing a team)based organization?

or this case, there are a few mista#es Ale" has already made in developing a team-based organi%ation. irst of all, this type of decision is not one that can be made !uic#ly, if fact, the planning should ta#e place in two phases/ ma#ing the decision and preparingfor implementation. <efore ma#ing the decision, Ale" should have discussed it with top management to establish the leadership for the change, developed a steering committee, and conducted a feasibility study. These steps are neccessary to ensure that the wor# processes within the company are condusive to team use, that the employees are willing to wor# in teams, and if managers are willing to learn and apply a hands-off managerial style. Ale" should have addressed these issues before reaching his decision and then prepared for implementation. This includes/ clarifying the mission, selecting the site for the first wor# team, preparing the design team, planning the transfer of authority, and drafting the preliminary plan. Ale" should have ta#en all of these steps before deciding to switch to a team-based organi%ation.
2. If (le$ were to call you in as a consultant' what would you tell him to do?

,f , were a consultant for Ale", , would advise him to go bac# and go though all of these steps and to then decide if he still wanted to swith to a team based-company. During the preparation for implementation, , would suggest to him that he develop a mission statement that e"presses the purpose of the teams and summari%es the long-range benefits he hopes to gain( this must also be consistent with the company's strategy. ,t should also set the parameters and boundaries within which the change will ta#e place. Ne"t, , would tell Ale" he needs to advise his steering committee to decide where the first team will be implemented. The best site is one that includes wor#ers from multiple jobs, one where improving performance is feasible,and one where the wor#ers are open to the change. After the mission statement has been developed and the initial sites have been chosen, , would tell Ale" to advise his steering committe to set up the team that will design the other teams. This team should be a select group of employees, supervisors, and managers who will wor# out the staffing and operational details to ma#e the teams perform well. , would stress to Ale" that considering the composition of the teams is one of the most important decisions throughout this process. Ne"t, , would advise Ale" to transfer authority from managers to team members. this step can ta#e up to several years and is the most imperative and difficult part and is basically a "ultural "hange for the company. The last step , would advise Ale" to ta#e is to write a tentative plan for the initial wor# teams. This plan is used as a map throughout the transformation and will act as a guiding force. ,t should recommend a process for selecting people who will be on the first teams, describe roles and responsilibilites for those who will be affected, e"plains the training that will be needed,

specifically identifies which wor# processes will be involved, and lays out a schedule for the ne"t two to three years. As a consultant , would stress to Ale" that this change should not be ta#en lightly and the entire organi%ation needs to be prepared for this change.
. *sing the organization chart of #vans +, Wholesale -upply and .istribution' describe how you would put the employees together in teams

-E+ D $resident

Eice $resident



&ales team

Evans ;E .holesale &upply and Distribution -ompany sells parts, e!uipment, and supplies for recreational vehicles-motor homes, travel trailers, campers, and similar vehicles. ,n addition, Evans has a service department for the repair and service of ;Es. The owner, Ale" Evans, bought the company five years ago from its original owner, changed the name of the company, and has finally made it profitable, although it has been rough going. The organi%ation is set up in three divisions/ service, retail parts and supplies, and wholesale parts and supplies. Ale", the owner, -E+, and president, has a vice president for each operating division and a vice president of finance and operations. The organi%ation chart shows these divisions and positions. ,n the warehouse there are three groups/ receiving )chec#ing orders for completeness, returning defective merchandise, stoc#ing the shelves, filling orders*, service parts, and order filling for outgoing shipments. The warehouse group is responsible for all activities related to parts and supplies receiving, storage, and shipping. The retail sales division includes all functions related to selling of parts and supplies at the two stores and in the mobile sales trailer. $ersonnel in the retail division include salespeople and cashiers. The retail salespeople also wor# in the warehouse because the warehouse also serves as the showroom for wal#-in customers. ,n the service department the service manager supervises the service writers, one scheduler, and lead mechanics and technicians. The service department includes the collision repair group at the main store and the service department at the satellite store. The collision repair group has two service writers who have special e"pertise in collision repair and insurance regulations. Two drivers who move ;Es around the 0yard0 also wor# in the service division

Case # tress Ta$es %ts Toll 1. What signs of stress was /arry 0ield e$hibiting?

, thin# the first sign of stress for 7arry ield is that when he and Alice had their first baby. <ecause the article said that the baby is li#e a shoc# to ield. ield just graduated from high school for one year, but he had married and has a baby. , thin# his mental age is still a high school student. ?e couldn@t handle the marriage and children yet. &o the baby became a huge stress to him. The reason is he started has fewer free time to hang out with his friends just li#e they@re in high school. Also he has a harder economic pressure. The second sign of stress is that ield@s boss made ield a crew chief because ield want to raise his salary. <ut the problem is that ield cannot handle this wor# because he doesn@t #now how to use the instruments specifically. Every morning he wa#es up he started worry about today@s wor# and became strange in his wife@s eyes. ?e began smo#ing, stammer and turn res in the face. All of these are derived from his wor#. ?e found it@s hard to be a boss and he@s afraid be !uit all the time. The third sign is from ield@s family. <ecause he and Alice seldom to see each other and his wife wanted to move to another city because she dissatisfied with her wor#. <ut ield didn@t #now what he could do about it.
2. How was /arry 0ield trying to cope with his stress? 1an you suggest more effective methods?

7arry@s action is negative and useless. As his wife said, he began doing things that his wife thought he had outgrown. ?e fre!uently tal#ed so fast that he would stumble over his own words, stammer, and turn red in the face. Also he began smo#ing. ?is reason is to #eep his hands from sha#ing when he@s wor#ing. 8y idea is that he could manage tress in the wor#place. &uch as e"ercise, rela"ation, time management and role management. ield could do some e"ercise and spend more time with his family to reduce his pressure. ,n conclusion, , thin# if 7arry had better coping methods, he could potentially save his personal and professional lives. ,t sounds li#e he needs to wor# on his time management and role management and possibily add in some time to rela" a little and ta#e some time for himself. ?e should see# more clarification from his boss on how to properly manage his cowor#ers and possibly even join a support group of some #ind, maybe a trade management group or even ma#e more of an effort to get out with friends so he could vent or tal# it out. 7arry should also wor# on his time management and maybe go to his boss to discuss a more fle"ible wor# schedule that would allow him more time with family and still allow an income. &ome effective method to cope with stress are/ Learn ho, to #a+ -no. F Cnow your limits and stic# to them. .hether in your personal or professional life, refuse to accept added responsibilities when you@re close to reaching them. Ta#ing on more than you can handle is a surefire recipe for stress. Avoi &eo&le ,ho #tre## +ou out F ,f someone consistently causes stress in your life and you can@t turn the relationship around, limit the amount of time you spend with that person or end the relationship entirely.

Ta/e "ontrol o! +our environ)ent F ,f the evening news ma#es you an"ious, turn the TE off. ,f traffic@s got you tense, ta#e a longer but less-traveled route. ,f going to the mar#et is an unpleasant chore, do your grocery shopping online. Avoi hot0'utton to&i"# F ,f you get upset over religion or politics, cross them off your conversation list. ,f you repeatedly argue about the same subject with the same people, stop bringing it up or e"cuse yourself when it@s the topic of discussion. %are o,n +our to0 o li#t F Analy%e your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tas#s. ,f you@ve got too much on your plate, distinguish between the GshouldsH and the Gmusts.H Drop tas#s that aren@t truly necessary to the bottom of the list or eliminate them entirely.

. Identify methods through which creativity can be nurtured

,s it possible to teach or enhance creativity. +r is it a s#ill that some are born with or an innate ability that if properly nurtured only matures in some but not others. ;esearch psychologists with an interest in creativity see# empirically based answers to these !uestions. They research how people cultivate s#ills in order to produce novel and original ideas, develop innovative solutions to life@s toughest problems, or simply live more creative, fulfilling, and meaningful lives. :et these researchers differ on how creativity seems natural to some, yet such a struggle if not a deficit in others. And some only study eminent creativity or world-changing creativity, while others speciali%e in personal creativity for all. &ome believe it@s the environment that greatly influences creativity, others investigate genetics, and some focus on personality traits. &till others research specific forms of thin#ing and cognition how it relates to the brain@s anatomy.

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