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2 Quiz
1. France was torn apart by a religious conflict between what two religious groups? 2. What Huguenot prince inherited the French throne? 3. Henry IV converted to what religion? 4. Issued by Henry IV this document gave Huguenots (protestants) freedom and toleration. 5. Cardinal Richelieu sought to strengthen what? 6. Louis XIV referred to himself as what? 7. What did an Intendant do?

4.2 Quiz
1. France was torn apart by a religious conflict between what two religious groups? 2. What Huguenot prince inherited the French throne? 3. Henry IV converted to what religion? 4. Issued by Henry IV this document gave Huguenots (protestants) freedom and toleration. 5. Cardinal Richelieu sought to strengthen what? 6. Louis XIV referred to himself as what? 7. What did an Intendant do?

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