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Camila Albornoz Criado -4th year-Monica Posadas

Assignment N4
Review needed! We are starting a new section in the magazine called Great TV Programmes around the world. Could you write a review of your favourite TV programme for this section? In your review say what kind of programme it is, what happens in the programme and why you like it so much (120-180w)

Married with Children

Married with Children is a comedy directed by Carlos Ferrari and starred by Guillermo Francella and Florencia Pea as the couple and Luisiana Lopilato and her brother, Dario Lopilato, the children. This TV programme is set in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The story is about the life of a strange family called Los Argentos that try to survive in a neighbourhood in which nobody likes them. They are disorganized, crazy and funny. They dont have so much money and they live next to a friendly couple, who are their only friends. Monica is an untidy and a lazy person, Pepe works in a shoe store and Paola and Coki are bad students in the school. This TV programme is very interesting and funny. You can spend hours and hours seeing it and I think you wont be tired of it. I recommend Married with Children because its funny and it catches your attention.

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