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Social Studies Nov. 26, 2013 How does climate affect life?

30 minutes

GLO: 3.1 Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geographic, social, cultural and linguistic factors affect quality of life in communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru SLO: How does the physical geography influence the human activities in the communities?

Intro: (7 minutes) Put up map with numbered countries o On your whiteboard, name all 4 countries and tell me one thing about their climates If they seem really non-responsive mention importance of equator proximity Body: Ask key question: How does climate affect your every day life? o (10 minutes) Show slide about housing Talk about each house what kind of climate would satisfy each type of house which type of climate would not suit o (5 minutes) Show slide about clothing Talk about each what climates would suit each Closure: (8 minutes) Exit slip draw and write assign a country to each pod o Tell me how climate affects clothing OR housing in that country you can draw a picture but must write a sentence as well, explaining what you have to say about it Differentiation go around to kids who are struggling have them draw a picture and I scribe what they are telling me

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