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CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING QUESTIONS 1. What is atmospheric pressure? Why does it occur?

How is atmospheric pressure measured, and in what units? What is the normal value of atmospheric pressure at sea level? How does atmospheric pressure change with altitude? 2. Describe a simple convective wind system. In your answer, explain how air motion arises. 3. How do land and sea breezes form? How do they illustrate the concepts of pressure gradient and convection loop? 4. Define cyclone and anticyclone. What type of weather is associated with each and why? Draw four spiral patterns showing outward and inward flow in clockwise and counterclockwise directions. Explain why different diagrams are needed for the northern and southern hemispheres. 5. What is the Asian monsoon? What are its features in summer and winter? How is the ITCZ involved? How is the monsoon circulation related to seasonal high- and low-pressure centers in Asia? 6. On the ideal Earth illustration to the right (without seasons or ocean-continent features) sketch the global wind system. Label the following on your sketch: doldrums, equatorial trough, Hadley cell, ITCZ, northeast trades, polar easterlies, polar front, polar outbreak, southeast trades, subtropical high-pressure belts, and westerlies. 7. Compare the winter and summer patterns of high and low pressure that develop in the northern hemisphere with those that develop in the southern hemisphere. 8. An airline pilot is planning a nonstop flight from Los Angeles to Sydney, Australia. What general wind conditions can the pilot expect to find in the upper atmosphere as the airplane travels? What jet streams will be encountered? Will they slow or speed the aircraft on its way?

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