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Your Name Class 7-324 Dec.

2, 2013

The novel A Long Walk to Water, by Linda Sue Park is the story of a young boy who loses his family and is trying to escape the horrors of war. In the 1980s Sudan had a Civil war which forced thousands from their villages. Salva was one of the Lost Boys of Sudan who traveled across his country to Ethiopia to find a refugee camp, then later forced out to travel to Kenya. Salva was able to endure many hardships during this time because he was persistent, had others who helped him, and was very fortunate. Salvas persistence is one factor in how he survives in difficult circumstances. Salva kept trying to find a better place he was in three refugee camps and then came to the United States. Of his decision to leave the first refugee camp, the book says He had heard of another refugee camp, far to the south and west, where he hoped things would be better. (85) Salvas thinking of a new place to go shows real persistence. Instead of just giving up, he decides to continue his walk to find a new refugee camp a thousand miles away. Because of his persistence, Salva is able to continue and to survive.

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