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Learning Objective: Understand what influences our perceptions accepting the differences in diversity and individuality.

To identify the factors that influence perception. Understand what influences our perceptions. Identify the differences between cultures and their perceptions Define diversity. Create a Me Board that reflects all the individual differences that makes you unique.

What factors do you think influence what we think is attractive? 1. Looking healthy 2. Media 3. Role models 4. Friends 5. Culture 6. Stereotypes 7. Family 8. Workplaces 9. Social norms 10. Origin Why do we accept that some things are attractive and others unattractive? If we think about our own cultures, heritage and family do we have any traditions or appreciations for body image that are seen as attractive? (Open a word document and create a cultures page.) For example: Maori appreciation of tattoos because it has a sacred significance the Maori tattoo design itself, and the long and painful process of acquiring the tattoo (Maori tribe tattooing was done with bone chisels).

Pick one with your learning partner, look for similarities and differences alongside what they appreciate as attractive or unattractive. Greek vs Japanese Maori vs Italian African vs Indian Hawaiian vs Korean Polish vs American Indian Chinese vs Aboriginal Russian vs Brazilian

This will be a physical A3 sized board. This board needs to reflect everything that makes you, you. It doesnt have to be set out in any special way but it must include your full name and your diversity statement. Include the following: Heritage born in Australia Family father is English, mother is Filpino Personality Likes Dislikes Hobbies and Interests Physical appearance Culture Travel Education Who you want to be Your career dreams

Your dreams for the future Achievements so far

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