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Meghan Clemm Professor Campbell English 1103H 7 November 2013

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Autism: Putting the Pieces Together But Mommy, I just want to play with him, I said as I sulked over to the window. There were dolls strewn about the lilac bedroom. She picked up the last plastic toy from under the bed and said, He just cant right now Meghan. Just not today, as a tear rolled down her cheek. I can picture this moment like it was yesterday. I was three years old and I didnt know why my brother, Brian, couldnt play with me like all my other friends siblings could. I cried for hours and hours thinking that my brother didnt love me or want me as his big sister. It broke my mothers heart. She tried explaining to me that he loved me so much but that he had a disorder called Autism, which made it hard for him to share toys and play with me. No matter how many times or how many different ways she tried explaining this to me, all I could think about was why did this happen us. According to Autism Speaks, an organization that sponsors Autism research, awareness, and outreach activities to the public, the government, and the families affected by Autism, Autism is a disorder that affects brain development. One diagnosed with Autism has difficulty in social interaction and in verbal and nonverbal communication. They also struggle with motor coordination, attention span and physical health issues (National Autism Association). These children are diagnosed with Autism between the ages of two and three years old and are affected by this disorder for the rest of their lives. Despite the last two decades research efforts, a cure has not yet been found (Autism Speaks).

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Sixteen years ago when I asked my parents why Brian had Autism they had no answer. At that time, only 1 in 2,500 children were diagnosed with Autism disorder. In fact, when my brother was diagnosed, the disease was barely heard of (National Autism Association). According to Autism Speaks, Autism is now the fastest-growing developmental disability in the U.S. Over the last 40 years, the number of individuals affected by Autism has been growing rapidly. It now affects over 2 million individuals in the U.S. and tens of millions worldwide. Today, 1 out of 88 children are diagnosed with Autism before the age of three years old (Autism Speaks). In fact, boys are five times more likely to be diagnosed with Autism, resulting in 1 in 54 boys being diagnosed with Autism without an explanation as to why (National Autism Association). Yes, doctors and scientists have theories of some potential causes of Autism, any standard website or textbook will say that Autism is caused by environmental, biologic, and genetic factors; however, all of these theories are met by resistance from the government or by controversial, faulty test results (Zylka). Before the 1940s, Autistics were considered to be emotionally disturbed, psychotic or schizophrenic. In 1943, Leo Kanner, a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins, defined Autism as a neurological condition caused by cold parents, specifically targeting mothers. This theory was called the, "Refrigerator Mother Theory that stated that abusive, unloving mothers caused their children to become socially distant and disturbed (Simpson). It was quickly accepted by society and no research was done to find an alternate cause. In 1964, Bernard Rimland, a PhD, research psychologist, writer, lecturer, and advocate for Autistic children, ADHD, general learning disabilities, mental retardation and author, founded Autism Research Institute. This is the worlds largest data collection and information resource for parents. This institution gave parents of Autistic children a voice and they spoke out that Autism was in fact a biological

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condition (National Autism Association). Not only was Rimland a PhD, but he was a parent of an Autistic son. He argued the Refrigerator Mother Theory in his book, Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior, that he wrote after his sons diagnosis and gave evidence that Autism was a biological issue dealing with vitamin deficiencies and other environmental factors. After his advocacy efforts in the 1960s, data and research for a cause finally began (Simpson). Doctors and researchers are continuing Rimlands research and experimenting with several theories for the causes of Autism. The main theory studied today deals with genetics. According to Mark Zylka, PhD, associate professor in the Neuroscience Center and the Department of Cell Biology and Physiology at UNC, as many as 300 genes could be involved in the cause of Autism (Zylka). He concludes that a mutation of the topoisomerase enzyme affects brain development and that the environment and drugs can suppress these enzymes. According to Autism Society, an organization that educates the public on Autism and conducts research and outreach programs, Autism occurs more frequently among individuals who have certain medical conditions like Fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, congenital rubella syndrome, and phenylketonuria (Autism Society). They also suggest that certain substances consumed during pregnancy can influence the production and function of these enzymes that contribute to the risk of Autism. While the evidence collected has been proven accurate and logical in the cases its been tested on, other scientists question the legitimacy of this information. Scientist Benjamin Philpot, PhD and also a professor and author at Neuroscience Center and Department of Cell Biology and Physiology at UNC, states in his documentary that genetics can explain a large number of Autism cases. However, he states that this rapid rise in Autism cases in the last 20

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years indicates that Autism is not solely genetic and therefore questions the validity of this evidence and theory. It requires further research and exploration to explain other diagnosis cases (Zylka). Scientists have now turned to the study of environmental factors. Leonard Abbeduto, director of the University of California, Davis MIND Institute, suggests that antibodies cause 1 in 4 cases of Autism (Researchers Identify Possible Cause of 1 in 4 Autism Cases). This happens when the maternal antibodies enter the childs placenta, becoming known as autoantibodies, and attack healthy tissue (Antibodies). The bodys defense mechanisms and immune system are also weakened in the same way by vitamin deficiencies in B6, B12 and magnesium (Antibodies). Although logical, these theories have not yet been tested on those

diagnosed or contain enough factual evidence to be proven a definite cause (Researchers Identify Possible Cause of 1 in 4 Autism Cases). The most controversial and corrupted theory as a cause for Autism has been the debate over vaccines that date decades back. In the late 1900s, Dr. Andrew Wakefield conducted a study that showed gastrointestinal inflammation as a side effect of vaccination with the combination measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Scientists claimed that Wakefields ideas were a scam and untrue. They threw this evidence away and did not share it with the public (Vaccination is Not Immunization). However, a study published in the Journal of Biomedical Sciences in 2002, claimed a relationship between the MMR vaccine and Autism that targeted the measles portion of the MMR vaccine. Researchers from Utah State University concluded that the MMR vaccine can cause abnormal measles infection that can lead to neurological problems classified as Autism (Vaccines). According to parents of Autistic children who have spoken out through the National Autism Association, an organization that

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conducts research and outreach programs for Autism, many children have had an immediate reaction following an immunization (National Autism Association). Studies by researchers at the Neural Dynamics Group, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Columbia, determined that aluminum is a major contributor to Autism diagnosis. In 2012, aluminum was found to contract Autistic symptoms when used in childhood vaccinations and that aluminum is toxic to some children. As a result, these children will contract Autism because of insufficient serum levels of sulfate and glutathione (22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism). Other triggers include mercury, live viruses, chemicals and formaldehyde that are all key ingredients in vaccines (Vaccines). Society has accepted vaccines because they are an easier and less dangerous way to become immune to a range of diseases. Vaccines create immunity to diseases and sicknesses extending from the common flu to potentially fatal diseases like Polio and HPV. These diseases that once infected or killed thousands, have been eliminated completely and are close to extinction. Polio is eradicated in the United States due to the use of vaccines. Rather than wait for the body to build natural immunity, vaccines can prevent a disease from occurring in the beginning. Vaccines also save time and money spent treating symptoms after already being diagnosed. Because of vaccines, people can be protected against more diseases than ever before. This theory of vaccination as a major cause of Autism has been prevalent in the search for a cause for years. In the last eighteen years, the amount of vaccinations a child is required by national law to receive has risen from 10 to 24 vaccinations. While many doctors and companies support this increase in the name of disease prevention, this causes a child to be injected with 400 times more Mercury than the FDA approves safe (Vaccination Is Not Immunization). Robert F. Kennedy Junior, author of Deadly Immunity and director of film Vaccines,

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Mercury/Thimerasol &Autism, states that, "The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization. Much of what you have been led to believe about immunization simply isn't true. If I were to follow my deeper convictions, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child," showing that doctors dont give their own children MMR vaccine because of these risks (Vaccination Is Not Immunization). This very well supported and heavily evidenced theory is corrupted by doctors reputations and financial positions; they depend on issuing vaccines. It is big business and money for drug companies and the government, bringing in 50 billion dollars annually. Renowned author and pediatrician, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn says that, "Immunizations, including those practiced on babies, not only did not prevent any infectious diseases; they caused more suffering and more deaths than has any other human activity in the entire history of medical intervention." This suffering and damage is shown in the Annals Epidemiology journal at Stony Brook University Medical Center in New York where the Hepatitis B vaccine was clinically proven to triple the risk of contracting Autism in baby boys (Researchers Discover a Potential Cause of Autism). Researcher Viera Scheibner, PhD, claims, "The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been an assault on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination . . . 100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines (Vaccination is Not Immunization). Vaccines have never been clinically proven effective and drug companies support medical journals advertising. In fact, the FDA Advisory Committee admits to having financial ties to vaccine manufacturers. Congress even passed a law exempting the liability of vaccine companies saying if someone is hurt or contracts an illness as direct result from a vaccine; they

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cannot sue the vaccine company (Vaccination Is Not Immunization). This is shown by the fact that children in the U.S. still get vaccine-preventable diseases. In the last few years there has been a resurgence of whooping cough and measles, both vaccinated diseases. In 2010, there were over 21,000 cases of whooping cough reported and 26 deaths (Vaccines). Researchers, doctors and family members have been overwhelmed by the amount of evidence and theories that have been studied and accumulated regarding this topic. Autism is a growing epidemic, affecting more and more children every day. The information acquired contains valid facts, but at the same time is met with equally with controversy due to differing studies and corruption due to faulty lab results and government budgets. This disorder is a frustrating mystery, and a mystery that will affect my life and the lives of millions worldwide. At the time of my brothers diagnosis I was too young to truly process the magnitude of this disease and appreciate the time, patience and dedication from my parents and doctors. I have now learned that after receiving the MMR vaccine and undergoing a surgery where my brother was injected with anesthesia that contained high traces of formaldehyde and aluminum, he was diagnosed with Autism. While doctors can conclude that this is the cause for Brians Autism, they cannot conclude the same for other children. A cure cant be found until the root of the problem is discovered. This is the ideology behind the Autism research symbol of the puzzle piece; this disorder is a giant puzzle with several factors that lead to diagnosis. Once the final piece is discovered, change and recovery can finally begin. I remember that day in my lilac bedroom where my brother refused to play with me and I remember the pain and rejection that I felt. No child or family should ever have to feel that way. A cause must be discovered in order to find a cure.

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Works Cited Antibodies. Disability Scoop. Web. 11 July 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. "Autism Speaks." Autism Speaks. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. !!"Five Important Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child." Home. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. "National Autism Association." National Autism Association RSS. Web. 24 Oct. 2013. Researchers Discover a Potential Cause of Autism. Mark Zylka. UNC School of Medicine. 2013. Film. "Researchers Identify Possible Cause Of 1 In 4 Autism Cases." Disability Scoop. Web. 24 Oct. 2013. Refrigerator mothers. Dir. David E. Simpson. Perf. J.J. Hanley, Gordon Quinn. Kartemquin Educational Films. 2004. Film. "Vaccination Is Not Immunization." Vaccination Is Not Immunization. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. "Vaccines." Vaccine Benefits. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. . "22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism. Activist Post. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

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