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Cheryl Quadros
VIRAR, AUGUST 10, 2009: The Youth Group of the Resurrection, Virar met on Sunday, June
28, 2009 to cast their votes and elect a coordinating
committee of 6 members - 3 girls and 3 boys. 53 youth
were present for the election.

To give this committee a sense of pride and instill in

them a spirit of service, a swearing in and induction
ceremony was arranged during the morning mass
on Sunday, August 9, 2009. The 6 elected members
took their place in front at the altar and pledged
that they would fulfill their duty as leaders with a
sense of responsibility and commitment. They
invoked the assistance of Don Bosco the friend of youth to guide them as they lead the
youth group.
The youth group is now thriving under the guidance of Fr. Edwin Colaco and four lay
animators. Every Sunday nearly 50 youth gather for the meeting after the morning mass which
is conducted by one of the members of the coordinating committee. The youth activities have
brought them close to each other and it has filled them with a great sense of belonging to the
parish church.

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