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Biology / health, Cleantech Licensing

Quick microorganisms detection in environment samples and agrofood

The laboratory has developed a new test allowing to detect quickly biological species in biological or environment liquid samples by using a velocimetric biochip.

Detailed description
The test is based on interactions between liquids of interest and chip microchannels walls. The liquid sample to be tested is mixed with a suspension of magnetic nanoballs that are functionalized by probe receptors (DNA, antibody). It is injected in the microfluidic chip. Its filling speed by capilarity depends on the presence and concentration of target microorganism (DNA, antigen). This speed measurement, compared to reference speed, allows to determine qualitatively and quantitatively absence or presence of microorganisms and their concentration in the sample.

Advantages / Novelty
Detection without labelling Test adaptable to any biological affinity system Quick test at room temperature Low samples volumes Low manufacturing cost Transportable detection system Device easy to use

Current stage of development

The concept was validated with avidin-biotin affinity system and HBV virus DNA. Detection of E. coli and L. pneumophila from water samples is in progress.

- Environment: water security - Agrofood: food security - Biomedical and veterinary analyses: immunodetection, genetic detection

Intellectual property
Patent pending in PCT Priority date: May 25, 2009 (FR0953427)

Research team
Nicole JAFFREZIC Laboratoire de Sciences Analytiques Louis RENAUD Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon.

Collaboration type
Lyon Science Transfert looks for industrial partners and offers to grant patent license.

Christine Duarte Tel. +33 (0) 4 37 37 42 96
Lyon Science Transfert - Universit de Lyon, Quartier Sergent Blandan 37, rue du repos 69361 Lyon cedex 07 FRANCE

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