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My Understandings So Far About Life As time is going on whatever time may be I am realising more through my own personal experiences...

I am putting together slowly the pieces of the pu el together and I am gaining real clarity on it...and how do I !now I am " well I can persoanally see it all around me through my own personal this is what I am finding through my studying of #uman $esign which insidently I am experiementing with...%ight first of all this world we live in is not what it in my opinion is one big illusion " one big lie and that whole consept is based on a control system whose essense is Fear....fear controls the tribe and this world is one big tribe... &hrough the commandments of the leaders of the tribe we have the words Love" #onor and 'bey...three powerful words to worship a Man Made (od. )ow this man made (od to be worshiped lives in a temple...has an image" which is *uite funny +he as I am going to refer to it as, and also has various tools for you to worship also" eg M')-. ....that is the biggest one and also what is *uite funny is in order to show your love and appreciation to this (od you got to spend the money in his various temples...yes indeed how bi arre is that...when you thin! about it logically... )ow this whole system as it is commonly refered to was constructed by our ancestors hundreds of years ago" if not thousands" cause that is the other funny thing...things get changed and manipulated a lot by this man made (od...and the reason for that is incase anyone should find out what is really going on...everything has to be reinforced /ust to ma!e sure things don0t get lea!ed out...that secrets be revealed...well unfortunately thats too late...the lies are being exposed daily favourite saying is and always will be ...the truth will always get out in the end and boy does it111 Anyway bac! to #uman design cause it is all very relevant to what I am discovering...)ow as we are true spiritual beings we have flowing through us a life force energy...invisible to the na!ed eye but so powerfully felt by ourself and others....and also within each and everyone of us is our ancesterol $)A...which has been passed down to us from our ancestors" that to me is *uite magical....)ow we all have received different tools and these will assist you in your personal /ourney...and they are /ust perfect...thin! of it this have a vehicle that you drive and by the way it is not a it has two legs and two arms etc...this is your beautiful you are a passenger within your vehicle when it is moving and you are driving it...problem is some of us do not !now fully how to operate it correctly... See our parents gave us a li!eness to themself as in we can physically loo! li!e our mother or father etc...but that is where it stops cause you see they to have a uni*ue set of tools as you do to...each and everyone of us

does....etc...and the tollbox is perfect as I whats going on with it then...why do some people behave in the way they do...well in human design it is a system of !nowledge based on ancient teachings of the 2hinese I 2hing...Astrology" 3aballah" and I guess also a bit of pyschology...and what it says is we are a binary consciousness...everything is this and good no /ust is what it is... See our wee mind would li!e to tell us something different" yes it tries to convince us of things which is /ust not true...but within this vehicle is an inner being that !nows exactly what to do and how to operate and drive" but this often does not happen because the mind wants to run the whole show...and i personally !now this to be true as I am sure you do too. )ow the 2hinese I 2hing is a se*uence of 45 #exagrams and those hexagrams have different meanings and are part of your design and personality" and passed on through the generations...and whilst i am typing this I have /ust had a wee thought...I bet the creator has totally constructed all of them cause each of those gates are very powerful and are the real basis of the human society we see and experience each and every day...when you thin! of it what more do you need...and the planets with all their energy fre*uencies that they ommit as it is all energetic anyway..invisible to the na!ed eye but physically felt will affect these gates and will change our experiences that we have physically and mentally.... It ma!es sense really and the ultimate creator of all life and I mean all life...the whole nine *uite ama ing here we have it all 45 gates is what is needed along with the energy input and output from the planets for us to experience what we refer to as thin! about this for a moment..these 45 hexagrams have all there various meaning with a dual meaning which will be dependant on the fre*uency of the energies of the planets and also from the fre*uenices of other beings around us.... And this is *uite simply what is going on in our lives everyday and so many are unaware of this...and I tell you it is very powerful...and what the tribe experiences and puts out to the collective...and this is sounding a bit li!e star tre! that program we have the 6org...a collective of humanoids...who all have the same emotions and it would seem no soul either... So really a big movie is being played out on this planet...and we are all different characters with different parts to play within it...and this is clear to going bac! to the tribe for a moment..the tribal leaders are refered to as the elites...the money people who print and control the system we live in that has been constructed by our these induviduals are playing out a part and it is a very important part at that cause if they did not

do what they do some of us would not awa!en to being able to find out who we truly are...cause you see we are so much more than we thin! we are... Anyway the tribal leaders have many temples and lots of money to be worshiped and they even have their own set of rules that each tribal memeber must comply with...and if you are an induvidual with your own ideas and mindset and do not comply with their rules then a price will have to be paid and you will have to go to one of their temples to meet your punishment for the crime you committed which would have been one of the three honor and obey (od...yes *uite simple really... )ow some of us are designed to be very tribal and compliant...but some of us are not...and this is what human design has shown me over this last year...and for those of us who are not agreeable to (ods terms then we will meet a bit of resistance....I get a strong feeling ultimately the creator and the real one I am tal!ing about here has constructed this whole thing to help us grow and develop and to also let him or her grow to through viewing our ma!es sense to me and it *uite magical cause when you thin! of it any parent learns from their children and will experience their experiences...especially mothers who have given birth...i !now when i was sad my mum was sad...she felt my pain as i did it would only be rigth that the ultimate creator who is our true parent would experience through the lens our growth which in turn is its growth me that would be a wonderful and magical concept... So that got me thin!ing that really deep down we are all mini gods...who have so much talent brewing inside of us...!nowing also we are always being ta!en care of at all times..I persoanlly !now this to be true as I have expereinced this so many times...I will never lose that faith and I do hope one day if anyone reads this they may feel some sort of inspiration...that i may have touched your heart in some way cause that is what its all about...helping each other...and sure we are all designed to have our own beliefs and opinions I can totally respect that...My whole intention is to share some of my wisdom and experiences with you...

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