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The Governments of the Member States of ASEAN and the Government of the People's Republic of China, REA !RM!NG their determination to consolidate and develop the friendship and cooperation e"istin# bet$een their people and #overnments $ith the vie$ to promotin# a %&st centur'(oriented partnership of #ood nei#hbourliness and mutual trust) C*GN!+ANT of the need to promote a peaceful, friendl' and harmonious environment in the South China Sea bet$een ASEAN and China for the enhancement of peace, stabilit', economic #ro$th and prosperit' in the re#ion) C*MM!TTE, to enhancin# the principles and ob-ectives of the &../ 0oint Statement of the Meetin# of the 1eads of State2Government of the Member States of ASEAN and President of the People's Republic of China) ,ES!R!NG to enhance favourable conditions for a peaceful and durable solution of differences and disputes amon# countries concerned) 1ERE34 ,EC5ARE the follo$in#6 &7 The Parties reaffirm their commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the 8nited Nations, the &.9% 8N Convention on the 5a$ of the Sea, the Treat' of Amit' and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, the ive Principles of Peaceful Coe"istence, and other universall' reco#ni:ed principles of international la$ $hich shall serve as the basic norms #overnin# state(to(state relations) %7 The Parties are committed to e"plorin# $a's for buildin# trust and confidence in accordance $ith the above(mentioned principles and on the basis of e;ualit' and mutual respect) <7 The Parties reaffirm their respect for and commitment to the freedom of navi#ation in and overfli#ht above the South China Sea as provided for b' the universall' reco#ni:ed principles of international la$, includin# the &.9% 8N Convention on the 5a$ of the Sea) =7 The Parties concerned underta>e to resolve their territorial and -urisdictional disputes b' peaceful means, $ithout resortin# to the threat or use of force, throu#h friendl' consultations and ne#otiations b' soverei#n states directl' concerned, in accordance $ith universall' reco#ni:ed principles of international la$, includin# the &.9% 8N Convention on the 5a$ of the Sea) ?7 The Parties underta>e to e"ercise self(restraint in the conduct of activities that $ould complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stabilit' includin#, amon# others, refrainin# from action of inhabitin# on the presentl' uninhabited islands, reefs, shoals, ca's, and other features and to handle their differences in a constructive manner7 Pendin# the peaceful settlement of territorial and -urisdictional disputes, the Parties concerned underta>e to intensif' efforts to see> $a's, in the spirit of cooperation and understandin#, to build trust and confidence bet$een and amon# them, includin#6 a7 holdin# dialo#ues and e"chan#e of vie$s as appropriate bet$een their defense and militar'

officials) b7 ensurin# -ust and humane treatment of all persons $ho are either in dan#er or in distress) c7 notif'in#, on a voluntar' basis, other Parties concerned of an' impendin# -oint2combined militar' e"ercise) and d7 e"chan#in#, on a voluntar' basis, relevant information7 @7 Pendin# a comprehensive and durable settlement of the disputes, the Parties concerned ma' e"plore or underta>e cooperative activities7 These ma' include the follo$in#6 a7 marine environmental protection) b7 marine scientific research) c7 safet' of navi#ation and communication at sea) d7 search and rescue operation) and e7 combatin# transnational crime, includin# but not limited to traffic>in# in illicit dru#s, pirac' and armed robber' at sea, and ille#al traffic in arms7 The modalities, scope and locations, in respect of bilateral and multilateral cooperation should be a#reed upon b' the Parties concerned prior to their actual implementation7 /7 The Parties concerned stand read' to continue their consultations and dialo#ues concernin# relevant issues, throu#h modalities to be a#reed b' them, includin# re#ular consultations on the observance of this ,eclaration, for the purpose of promotin# #ood nei#hbourliness and transparenc', establishin# harmon', mutual understandin# and cooperation, and facilitatin# peaceful resolution of disputes amon# them) 97 The Parties underta>e to respect the provisions of this ,eclaration and ta>e actions consistent there$ith) .7 The Parties encoura#e other countries to respect the principles contained in this ,eclaration) &A7 The Parties concerned reaffirm that the adoption of a code of conduct in the South China Sea $ould further promote peace and stabilit' in the re#ion and a#ree to $or>, on the basis of consensus, to$ards the eventual attainment of this ob-ective7 ,one on the ourth ,a' of November in the 4ear T$o Thousand and T$o in Phnom Penh, the Bin#dom of Cambodia7

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