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Elena Sabol November 30, 2013 Training Intensity Part 5: Explain interval trainingInterval training is when a person alternates

s between two activities of different rates, times, amount of effort etc. This type of training is suggested for younger runners just beginning because interval training includes resting periods. Its based on progressive aerobic training and is easier to adapt to. Explain repeat training. Repeat training is when a person does an exercise, for example the mile run, and then repeats it again with increased intensity and effort with recovery runs in between. This type of training improves stamina and performance. Explain threshold/tempo training. Threshold/tempo training involves a more prolonged distance than the average race and it improves a runners maximum effort based on VO2. The type of training also improves intensity, however its very hard on younger runners and can result in deterioration sessions. Furthermore, this challenges people to improve their weaknesses. Weather and running surface have an effect on this training as well.

Based on VDOT: Interval Workout: 12:08 x 400m at 3:04/400m with 400m resting jog period between each interval. There are a total of 4 intervals. Repeat Workout: 12:08 x 400m at 3:02/400m with 400m resting jog period between each repetition. Repeat 4 times. Threshold Workout: 12:08 x 400m at 3:17/400m with 400m recovery jog period. Repeat 4 times with increased intensity.

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