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Kathryn Blythe Education 218 B September 27, 2013 Inquiry- Based Instruction Inquiry-based instruction is an instructional approach in which

students' own interests and curiosities drive the learning process and products. Students select topics to research; formulate questions; collect, cull and synthesize information; and, finally, create and present a product that has real-world application (such as models, interviews, experiments) from what they learned. Teachers serve as facilitators and resources (Owens et al., 2002). The Benefits of Inquiry- Based Instruction: teaches problem-solving, critical thinking skills, and disciplinary content promotes the transfer of concepts to new problem questions teaches students how to learn and builds self-directed learning skills develops student ownership of their inquiry and enhances student interest in the subject matter

Activity Topic: Deforestation!

-With those in your small group, write and present a radio commercial informing and encouraging others to prevent against deforestation in their own communities. RADIO COMMERCIAL

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