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Thumb who endured his livid, drunken stupors, Upon the pressing of a scalding iron, your torched remnants flaked and withered into the atmosphere. Concealed beneath your frail layers of tender healing is an eternally wounded soul. II. The one that yanked the triggeradrenalin-fueled vengeance. Beneath the rugged-wrinkled surface lay terror, acquired through years of misery and suffering. III. Bare, nude, exposed. Following the piercing slam of a door, the loss of your fragile nail. It still lingers upon the floor, from his drunken tantrum. You spasm as if it occurred merely moments ago. IV. Adorned by the intricate band of unity, intimacy, fondness, ideal devotion, is the delicate vein circulating within you, leading to my heart. Regardless of perpetual misery, I reminisce to the lovely days of genuine passion,

the initial Days of our flawless betrothal. Utter bliss embellishes you. V. Smallest in size, you are masked by a faade of blackened ink and paper fibers. Your print, identity, pattern will forever be filed in the penitentiary. Your cringe upon the thought of our new, lavish home: cell A13.

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