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TEASER FADE IN: EXT. SCHOOL BUILDING - DAY A school sits in between a few groves of Maple trees.

A smooth wind sways the trees and their leaves. The large orange sign on the front of the school with black lettering reads: Prodigy Middle School. CLOSE ON SCHOOL SIGN WIDER- TO INCLUDE SCHOOL ENTRANCE A few students scurry into the school as a deep bell <TOLLS>. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY DORIANNE moves pulls her science book and closes her locker. She moves quickly to the first open door in the hallway to enter her first-hour science class. Dorianne trips over an arm that is holding a lunch box and her books fly in every direction. When she reaches down to pick up the arm it jumps up and pulls her down onto the floor and then quickly crawls into the classroom. A couple of vampire girls look down and <GIGGLE> at Dorianne as they pass by. Dorianne flushes bright red... DORIANNE My life is such an experiment gone terribly wrong. ...picks up her books, Williams lunch box, and goes into class. INT. SCIENCE CLASSROOM - DAY The arm crawls until it is under the chair where WILLIAM T. Walker, III sits (his name is one his backpack) and then it navigates up to the lab table. MS. MITCHELL is writing the definition of Evolution on the board. CLOSE ON SIGN ON DESK THAT READS MS. MITCHELL

2. MS. MITCHELL So nice of you to join us, Dorianne. DORIANNE I... I... I just had to pick up... MS. MITCHELL Another eloquent excuse. Thank you. Please sit down. Dorianne lowers her head and falls clumsily into her chair next to William. She slides his lunch box over to him and he smiles. <whispers> William? DORIANNE Did your arm find you,

William looks at the arm with disgust and <POPS> it back into place. WILLIAM Yes it did. My parts always come back. Yesterday was worse when my nose flew off my face. INT. SCIENCE CLASSROOM (FLASHBACK) - DAY William's body sends out a huge <SNEEZE> and his nose flies off. It barely misses Ms. Mitchell's head but she reaches her arm up while she sits at her desk and makes an excellent catch of Williams nose. INT. SCIENCE CLASSROOM (PRESENT) - DAY Dorianne takes a close at William's face. CLOSE ON THE SIDE OF WILLIAMS HEAD One of his ears is gone. William turns to look back at Dorianne and his glasses are crooked on his face. CUT TO BLACK AND ROLL MAIN TITLE.

3. ACT ONE INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY Dorianne leaves science class in a hurry and heads back to her locker. William catches up with her. WILLIAM Hey... Dorianne. I heard from Milly that you helped her last week. DORIANNE I did. She had some... ummm... extra hair issues. WILLIAM Dorianne we all know she is a lycanthrope. Oh... DORIANNE

Dorianne hugs her gym bag tightly to her chest and stares at her feet as she walks again hurriedly down the other hall. INT. GYMNASIUM DOORWAY - DAY As Dorianne reaches the door marked Gymnasium William backs away across the hall as though someone has thrown hot water on him. DORIANNE What is it? Are you... are you okay? William begins to cry a little and he shakes as he holds his hands tightly together. WILLIAM I hate gym. I hate everything about it. I still have nightmares about P.E. and recess when I was in elementary school. INT. ELEMENTARY GYMNASIUM (FLASHBACK) - DAY William tries to shoot a lay-up in a basketball game. As he jumps his legs stick to the ground while his torso flies up to the basket.

4. He hangs from the basketball hoop while his legs run on circles below. All of the boys in the gym <LAUGH> at him. William attempts a climb a rope, he falls, <THUDS> hard onto the gym floor, and his head pops off from his neck. He stands and one of the boys throws his head back to him, it hits his knee, and he has a black eyes when he <POPS> his head back into place. INT. GYMNASIUM DOORWAY (PRESENT) - DAY Dorianne stares at William with a frightful expression. DORIANNE That sounds so... horrible William. I will do my best to help you. William's tears begin to flow and one of his eyes rolls out of its socket onto the floor and is kicked down the hall by a few passing students. CLOSE ON THE EYE AS IT BOUNCES DOWN THE HALL Dorianne watches William chase his eyeball and shakes her head before she enters the gymnasium. INT. LUNCHROOM DOOR - DAY Dorianne stands at the lunchroom door and stares in through the open doorway. Inside William and his friends eat and laugh. William opens for a wide laugh and his teeth drop into his lunch box. Dorianne sees Milly and then she sees Millys twin brother Max and <SIGHS>. He turns and catches her stare and smiles. Dorianne lowers her head, scurries from the door, INT. SCHOOL LIBRARY - DAY Dorianne enters the school's expansive library during her lunchtime. The librarian, MRS. THORNDIKE, scans books and looks up at Dorianne with a curious look. MRS. THORNDIKE Hello, Ms. Einstein. Reading your lunch today? DORIANNE Yes... Mrs. Thorndike. I am helping with a special... project.

5. MRS. THORNDIKE Well, perhaps you should try our special section today. The librarian takes Dorianne to a dark and dusty area of the library called Supernatural Studies. DORIANNE Oh... I am not sure this place is for me. MRS. THORNDIKE If you have a special project this is where you should spend some time, Ms. Einstein. DORIANNE Well... okay. Ill start here. If youre sure. Mrs. Thorndike nods her head and leaves Dorianne to her search. Dorianne finds a few books and checks them out just as the deep bell <TOLLS>. INT. DORIANNE'S HOUSE - NIGHT After dinner at home Dorianne heads to her room to peruse the books from the library. Interesting items fly out of some of the books. A large book with a gargoyle face <laughs> at Dorianne each time she turns its pages. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY Dorianne is very excited as moves quickly down the hall from her locker toward her science class the next morning. The excitement fades from her face when she sees Max at his locker. INT. SCIENCE CLASSROOM - DAY William sits very still as Dorianne sits next to him at their lab table. DORIANNE William, I have some news. William doesnt move and continues to stare forward.



Dorianne reaches over and touches William on the shoulder and he jumps and then so does Dorianne. But Dorianne ends up on the floor. William helps her up. WILLIAM Sorry, Dorianne. I cant hear out of my left ear. Its only taped back on. CLOSE ON WILLIAMS EAR WITH DUCT TAPE DORIANNE Oh... okay. Well I have an idea so meet me in the lab during lunch. WILLIAM Cool... thanks. INT. SCIENCE LAB - DAY William arrives with a few zombie friends and his sister ALICIA. Dorianne looks at the group with great anxiety on her face and accidentally spills a vial and it smokes blue as it burns a hole into the counter. WILLIAM Wow... I hope youre not making me drink that stuff. CLOSE ON BLUE SMOKE AND HOLE IN COUNTER The group os zombies <LAUGHS> in unison. Alicia steps forward to Doriannes side. ALICIA Dorianne, are you really like Albert Einsteins neice? Dorianne looks back at her work that surrounds her with vials, carafes heating on Bunsen burners, and all of them combine in a larger container that slowly drips into a steaming glass. DORIANNE Uh... yes. Descendant of many generations. ALICIA Huh? What will this stuff do?

7. Alicia reaches over to one of the vials and Dorianne slaps her hand. Alicias hand falls to the ground and rolls around. CLOSE ON THE HAND AS IT ROLLS Alicia pinks up her hand and <POPS> it back on. DORIANNE Oh... Im sorry, Alicia. I didnt want you to turn to dust. That is a freeze dry agent. WILLIAM Too bad, Sis. I could have finally gotten your attic bedroom. ALICIA Ha, Ha. Mr. Duct Tape Head. WILLIAM So when can have some of your magic juice? DORIANNE It will be ready in the morning, I think. But I want only you... you to try it for a week before everyone starts using it. WILLIAM See you in the morning then. The group of zombies leaves the lab. EXT. SCHOOL FIELD - DAY Dorianne shows the group her concoction and look back her with glaze looks. DORIANNE One glass a day should bind your joints together and keep your parts from... uhhh... falling off. The group <CHEERS>. Dorianne hands the pink drink that smokes to William. CLOSE ON WILLIAM AS HE DRINKS THE THICK PINK DRINK

8. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY Dorianne watches William walk down the hall and his joints make noise like suction cups. Several students point and <LAUGH> at him as he pops by. Oh... no. DORIANNE

ACT TWO INT. SCIENCE CLASSROOM - DAY William comes into science class with his suction cup noises as he walks. His fellow students <GIGGLE> as he goes by them. MS. MITCHELL William are you having some trouble? WILLIAM Yea, I am having some trouble all right. I sound like my Uncle Remi working on my grandmas toilet. William shoots Dorianne a sharp angry look as he sits down. WILLIAM (CONTD) <whispers through his teeth> You better fix this, Dorianne. INT. SCIENCE LAB - DAY Dorianne tweaks the concoction again and walks the new drink down the hall. Students stop and look at Dorianne strangely and her cup that smokes pink. She looks to her feet again as she continues to the cafeteria. INT. SCHOOL CAFETERIA - DAY William and a few of his friends sit at a table in the middle of the cafeteria. Dorianne attempts get William's attention as she waves at him but all he does is wave to her to come to him. Dorianne looks over at Max and walks very slowly through the cafeteria as more eyes that stare at her.

9. William guzzles the pink and steamy drink and then lets out a huge <BURP> that vibrates every table in the cafeteria. INT. SCIENCE CLASSROOM - DAY The next day William sounds like a rusty Tin Man <CREAK> <CREAK> as he enters science class. Dorianne watches him come towards her and she is nervous. WILLIAM This mixture isnt good either, Dorianne. DORIANNE Yes... I noticed. Sorry, William. WILLIAM Are you sure your really related to Albert Einstein? EXT. SCHOOL STAFF PARKING LOT - DAY William licks the oil dipstick on the principle's car. INT. DORIANNE'S HOUSE - NIGHT Dorianne, her mother and father, and her little brother Albert eat dinner at a large round oak table. Albert eats his food like a ditch digger with his shovel. DORIANNES MOTHER Albert... too much of a good thing is still too much. A <PING> sound goes off and Dorianne rushes from the table. INT. SCIENCE LAB - DAY Dorianne mixes another batch of drink. She texts William and he arrives at the lab. WILLIAM I hope this works. DORIANNE I really think I have it this time.

10. WILLIAM It better. I cant get another day of detention or my dad will take my scooter away. EXT. PARK - DAY William is at a nearby park swinging, flipping, and twirling from all of the play equipment while children stare weirdly at him. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY As Dorianne reaches the exit door of the school William appears behind her. Dorianne! Aaaah! WILLIAM DORIANNE

Doriannes book bag flies and she falls to the ground. William helps her up. WILLIAM Did I sneak up on you? Dorianne nods her head. WILLIAM (CONTD) Yea... Its a nice change and look not duct tape or missing parts. William makes a small bow and turns his head left and right. DORIANNE Very nice, indeed. I am glad that everything worked out for you, William. WILLIAM So to repay you I want to invite you to my familys party tonight. DORIANNE Me? You... want me to come to... your party? WILLIAM Yes. Ill see you tonight.

11. Williams turns quickly and runs down the hall, does a couple of flips, turns with a giant smile, and winks at Dorianne. EXT. WALKER'S HOUSE - NIGHT Dorianne arrives at the Walker's home and there is a Bouncy House in the front yard with many jumpers inside. William <HOWLS> and <WHOOPS> with excitement as he bounces higher than the sides of the Bouncy House. Dorianne watches him and waits. She closes her sweater tight around her as she sees Max exit the Bouncy House next to William. MAX Hey, Dorianne. I hear your quite the chemist. Dorianne just stares at Max. MAX (CONTD) Maybe you could help me with a special challenge that I have. Max runs his fingers through his thick black hair. WILLIAM Come on, Dorianne. This is not time for work or chemistry. Lets Pa Pa Party! INT. WALKER'S HOUSE - NIGHT Williams takes Dorianne by the hand as they go through the door, hugs Dorianne quickly, and leads her to the food table. Dorianne smiles shyly. The punch bowl is filled with the pinky and steamy concoction and the sign next to the bowl says Zombies Only - A great way to start the day! FADE OUT.

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