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Blog.Blog.Blog.Blog.Blog.Blog.Blog.Blog. Bo BBl.

WoRD oF tHe WeeK!

AHHMore changes. After careful consideration I have decided to make the blog bi-weekly. I dont think enough happens in a week to make the blog fun. Well, maybe in one of my weeks, but anyway

wholly devoted to the seeking of enjoyment.

The picture up there is one that didnt make it into the calendar. Its kinda cute, huh? Huh? Now you know you want one, right? Right? MUA: Candace Simpson. Hairstylist: Heather Newberry. Photographer: Jerry Stone for Blue Ash Film Group.

John is wound so tight and he never smiles. He needs a more apolaustic approach to life.

I hope youll stick with me as I continue on this blog journey. Its been a lot of fun for me to put my crazy Blonde thoughts on a page. WHEE!


ARE YOU EFFING, EFFING WITH ME? (yeah, double effing)
Im mad again. This racism garbage has got to go. From both sides, please! Im getting so flipping tired of hearing how racist white America is. And how stupid. And how misinformed. Are there racist, stupid, misinformed white people out there? YES! Are there racist, stupid, misinformed black people out there? YES. Pick your race and put it in place of black or white and the answer remains YES! A thousand times, YES! But why do we give them any attention? We put them on TV. We put them on the front page of the newspaper. Theyre all over the Internet. Are you serious? Pull their teeth. IGNORE THEM. UTTERLY! Let them die unknown and in obscurity. If youre sitting there thinking that blacks cant be racist, then come to my house and let me whack you with a 2x4 for about 6 hours! Wake up, people. Racism is alive in our world and its everywhere. Were not exposing anything or helping the problem by drawing attention to these people. All we do is give these disease minded freaks another platform to spread their idiocy. If youre white and youre one of those white people haters, then you also need to come over for a conversation with the 2x4. Im sick of hearing how white people act as much as Im sick of hearing how black people act. Trust me, you dont know all the white or black people in the world so all youre doing is making a very broad generalization. And once again, how do mixed people act? If you know me then you understand that you cant put me in any hole, whatever shape you try to make it. Since its me, Ill throw in some scientific facts. Even if youre looking at it from a religious angle, these facts remain. All races share 99.99+% of the same genetic materials which means that
division of race is largely subjective, and that the original 3-5 races were also probably just subjective descriptions as well.

In my humble opinion, the people that continue to be racist really just hate themselves and I dont have the time to waste on haters of any type. And dont go at me with You cant possibly understand what its like to be ____ (black, white, etc) HELLO? I certainly can. Been hit from all sides. NEXT!

Why this name? Listen to me. If you get your grammar down, youll sound as smooth as velvet pants on Billy Dee Williams butt! Well hes Lando to me, but whatever makes you happy.

Ive been asked to repeat these, so here goes. Lay, lie, lying, laying Has to be one of the most difficult for everyone. Lay=to put or place. Lie= to recline. Look at these On vacation, I plan to lie in the sun with my friends. That is correct. You are reclining on the beach with your buddies. If you say you plan to lay in the sun with your friends, it means youre about to be involved in an orgy. EWWW! Also, you see your friend lying on the floor. If your friend is laying there, he or she could be a bird of some sort and youll have eggs soon. Probably not a good thing. You are not going to go lay down. You go lie down. Does this help, Greg? Then/Than Then = actions in time. Than = a comparison. People have problems with this because of pronunciation. Somehow theyve been mangled to sound the same. They are not pronounced the same and they are not interchangeable. I want to go to Maldives, then Fiji. In this sentence I plan to go to Maldives before I go to Fiji. Heres another example If you want to get a good grade, then you better study. Id rather go to Maldives, than Fiji. In this sentence I prefer traveling to Maldives over Fiji. Try this Chocolate is so much better than vanilla Youre not better then me, or Youre not better than me? THAN. Why? Youre making a comparison. If youre not comparing things, then dont use than!!

Questions, Comments and Nonsense

I got the following comment from Joe who wrote You advised a guy on here not to get a bigger ring. My wife is mad, and wont talk to me because I got her the wrong necklace. She could exchange it and I wouldnt care, but shes really mad and wants me to fix it. I dont think I should bother and Im mad too. Whats your take? Say what? She wont speak to you over a necklace? Without knowing if youre a guy who consistently gets the wrong thing or if youre wife is a pain in the a$$, this is hard to answer. On the face of it, shes wrong in my mind. If she can exchange it with no issue from you then she should do so. If, on the other hand, you bought her a gold necklace and shes never worn anything but white metal then youre the problem. Gift giving is tricky on both sides. Is she really upset about the necklace itself? Does she think you dont pay attention or listen to her? If its the latter, then I could understand. If its the former, Id tell her to exchange it herself or suck it up. I dont find diva behavior attractive, but I also dont know the whole situation. Let me know what happens. Best! From Elaine I think your blog is dumb. What a waste. Why thank you for wasting your time and mine to let me know your thoughts. I bet you waste food, too. Happy Holidays! From Chris Youre pretty. Where do you live? Well, thanks. Sorry, thats classified. From Joanne How can you say youre cruelty free if you eat meat I have little bunnies and cows on about 80% of whats in my home. I do eat meat, but I buy organic, grass-fed, free range meat. The vegetarian thing isnt for me. Its a personal choice and my choice is to use those sharp teeth in my head to the fullest. From Lisa Who do you think you are? Lets see Staypuft Marshmallow Man? NO! Mr. Big Stuff? NO! Who do YOU think I am? Who do you think YOU are? Who are we all anyway? Thats your comment? Well, Im going to be mean and think youre a twat. That truly is a waste. Or is that my blog? Hmmm.

Why are so many young ladies content to be seen acting like complete a$$ clowns in public? Its not cute, funny or entertaining. Most people who see you think you need a serious beating. Example. Last night a young lady of about 15 or 16 decided to cut the line in a very crowded bathroom with a long line outside the door. A woman about my age advised her nicely that the line was behind her and she needed to wait like everyone else. This young lady decided to cause a scene. She started yelling and cussing at the woman while her friends laughed. They were crowding the exit and the entrance was jammed with women trying pee. Ugly all around. I wanted out so I said Excuse me, and tried to get through. The young lady refused to move. I said Excuse me, again and attempted to move past. She blocked my way so I pushed by her. She screamed Who you pushin? I turned around and said Look sweetheart, Im not nice like this woman over here. Dont mess with me, Ill stunt your growth. I didnt say mess though. Silence. She then started to laugh nervously then said Im just kiddin around, Im just kiddin! Young ladies need to act like young ladies. There are crazy people out there. Someone might not be as nice as I was and you might get your silly little a$$ kicked or worse. Your clowning and rudeness is unnecessary and unappreciated. PS WHY ME?

Fred Sanford has been in my ear all week saying You big dummy! I dont know why I cant get my act together! Day 1 I passed an exit twice. Day 2 I headed east when I wanted to go west. Day 3 I forgot to put my milk in the fridge. Day 4- I ran a hot bath for myself that I never got into. Day 5 -I decided to lose my cell phone. I looked frantically for the damn thing only to find it resting peacefully in my very small purse. Those are the things I recall off the top of my squirrely noggin. The rest GEEZ! GOODBYE! SO LONG! FAREWELL! Its another day of baking in the Bone Abode. WOO! Its going to smell like a big ol slice of heaven pie here in a few minutes. I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Love and hugs, YO! Late addition to the blog To all the people making jokes about Paul Walkers death Youre a shitbag. Just because he was an actor, doesnt mean he wasnt a human being with friends and family who love him dearly. Those people are hurting and your jokes are cruel, crass and stupid. Male or female, I hope you take a hard hit to the trachea. Not that there could be any further damage to your brain from oxygen loss. Disgusting.

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