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Novembei 2u, 2u1S

To Whom It Nay Concein:

It is a pleasuie to iecommenu !"##$%& ($)$#. I have seiveu as his acauemic
auvisoi anu voice teachei at The 0niveisity of Nontana since 2uu7. As a musical
uiiectoi foi the School of Nusic anu the School of Theatie anu Bance, I have also
woikeu with Foiiest in piouuctions of musicals anu opeias. I am confiuent he will
be an outstanuing music euucatoi.
Because of his uouble majoi in Nusic Euucation anu voice Peifoimance, Foiiest
has hau a bioau iange of expeiiences. Theie aie ceitain couises, which I feel, aie
essential foi music euucatois in the vocalchoial aiea, but because of cieuit caps,
they aie not iequiieu in the BNE uegiee. Thiough his BN in Peifoimance, howevei,
Foiiest has taken these impoitant couises, such as Fiench, ueiman anu Italian
uiction, vocal iepeitoiie, vocal peuagogy, opeia theatie, anu junioi anu senioi voice
iecitals. It is also woith mentioning that ovei the past yeai, he has woikeu on both
uegiees while maintaining a full-time job. Be coulu have giauuateu much soonei,
but was ueteimineu to get as well-iounueu an euucation as he coulu.
Foiiest has a lot to offei as a teachei in public schools. Be has a beautiful tenoi
voice, anu woulu be a fine mouel foi his stuuents. Be will know how to leau anu
inspiie them in many uiffeient peifoimance situations: choial ensemble, solos, anu
theatiical piouuctions. I feel that he also unueistanus the bioauei impoitance of
music in oui schools anu in the lives of young people, anu will be a champion of both
excellence anu cieativity.
I woulu be happy to answei any questions you may have. I uige you to give him
youi stiongest consiueiation.


Bi. Baviu Couy, BN
Associate Piofessoi of Nusic
School of Nusic
The 0niveisity of Nontana
S2 Campus Biive
Nissoula, NT S9812
(4u6) 24S-688u

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