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A cylindrical roller is subject to a vertical loading of 8000kg.roller is to be accelerated up till a velocity of A)15rpm b)30rpm in 5 sec.

Using steel as material, determine the minimum dimensions of the roller and also calculate the force required to accelerate the roller to given accelerations. Applied load=8000kg


Horizontal surface. For calculation of maximum applied load and further on minimum dimensions, Assuming factor of safety n=1.43 roller=L=0.6m Applied load=8000kg=80KN Now, Stress on roller m =4F/wL Where w=contact width = (32F(1-v2)r/EL)1/2 Where F=load, v=poisons ratio, E=elastic modulus, L= length Using AISI 4340 steel E=210Gpa Density = 7700kg/m3 Yield strength=472Mpa V=0.27 N=yield strength/maximum allowable load 1.43=472.0e6/m m = 330069930 N/m2 from eq1 finding w w=(4x80,000)/0.6(472e6) w=0.00112m Putting value of w against max allowable load m in eq2 and solving fo r .eq3 .eq1 .eq2 (for load bearing structures) and length of

r=w2(EL)/32F(1-v2) putting in values r=0.21m now for volume of cylinder=r2 L=0.0854m3 mass =density x volume= 0.0854*7700=658Kg

now, total load to be pulled=load on roller+mass of roller=8000+658=8658kg

force required to pull the load on AISI 4340 steel surface F=friction force + inertial force=Ff +ma Ff =N=0.42* (8658x10)Newton=3636N For accelereation a=? V1=0 V2=15RPM t=5s since circumference of roller=2r Hence 15rpm =15*2r per min = 15*2r*60 per sec=

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