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Jean Cruz Les Grobstein Visits Moraine Valley A story of past experiences after many years in the business

is the best way to describe Les Grobsteins visit to Moraine Valley. 670 The Scores very own Les Grobstein began his stories of some of the best Chicago Sport Moments throughout his career in room U209 on Tuesday afternoon. He began his speech with a trip down memory lane talking about Sports Phone (the original way to get scores before Sports Center existed) a company were he had an early start that would eventually lead him to a career as one of Chicagos best sports broadcaster on the radio. His story continued and he began talking about one of his favorite moments during his career the infamous Lee Elias Rant (a small piece of Chicago Cubs History). During this story the whole room was able to see Grobsteins professionalism. He told the story as if it had only occurred a couple hours prior to him coming to Moraine Valley. He remembered the names of the people he interviewed as well as the reactions he received after he played the interview to the likes of Harry Carrey and Vince Lloyd. This particular story ended with Grobstein stating that Paul Konerko(Chicago White Soxs First baseman) knows that Les is the only one with a microphone from this event in Chicago sports history, and that Konerko told Grobstein that he is still trying to buy the microphone from him. Les Grobstein ended his day at Moraine Valley with a questionnaire from the students in the room. When asked how does someone make it in the business? Grobstein replied First try to get your foot through the door. He told the students and staff in the room that sports broadcasting

is a hard business and to not be afraid of having the worst job in the company simply because hard work and persistence can lead to much better things. Les Grobstein has had an amazing career and has covered events that range from the Super Bowl to all of Michael Jordans championship runs with the Chicago Bulls. He gave an experienced view of what it is to be a Sports Broadcaster as well as what someone can expect from working in that field. In conclusion his visit to moraine was a very knowledgeable one that gave everyone present a trip throughout some of the best moments in sports history.

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