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To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of Wildwood Middle High School junior, Katie Henderson.

As Katies former English teacher, I have the utmost respect for her as a student-athlete and as a person. Throughout her high school career, Katie has been involved in sports and clubs at WMH. She is a member of the prestigious National Honor Society, the Interact club, the Varsity Softball team, and works as a water girl for the football program. As a leader on the field, she has received multiple awards for softball, including All District and All State. Not only does Katie excel in athletics, but her greatest accomplishments come in the classroom. With a 4.0 unweighted GPA, she was awarded the 2012-2013 Scholar Athlete Award and the 2012-2013 Academic Excellent award. As a student, Katie is a talented, kind, hard-working, and respected person. She is a coachs and teachers dream she works hard, is fun to have in class, and is a positive leader in the classroom and on the field. Katie is the real deal; she represents herself, her school, her teams, and her family with pride and respect. She is looked up to and respected by her peers and the staff at WMH. With no hesitation, I give Katie Henderson my highest recommendation. Sincerely,

Mary Jo Cardona (352) 286-9481

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