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Monica Athey

ELED 434 Teaching Philosophy

I believe that teaching social studies in elementary grades is critical and should be done in a powerful and meaningful way. Children learn some extremely important concepts in social studies curriculum that will impact the rest of their lives. I think that some of the most important concepts to teach are citizenship, democracy, what happened in the past and how it has shaped our world today, and teaching students about other cultures in the world around them. When social studies is taught effectively, students can grow up being knowledgeable about the world around them and believing that they can make a difference in it. I do truly believe that elementary social studies can and should be taught in a meaningful, integrative, value-based, active, and challenging way. I always strive to teach in a way that makes the material come alive for the students. I believe that if the students can relate to the curriculum and feel as if theyve experienced even a small piece of it, it will leave a mark on them. Some methods that I use to teach powerful social studies are simulation, literature, and discussion. In simulations such as debates, mock elections, poverty simulations, and others students get a chance to experience part of what theyve been learning first-hand and have their opinions about that challenged. They are immersed in a situation completely and forced to defend their opinions, which makes them more informed citizens. Literature and discussion are fantastic ways to help students make real world connections to their own lives. They are able to read stories that resonate with them and talk about where they see social studies in their own lives. I believe that when the curriculum is alive and relatable, students will benefit tremendously from it.

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