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Intelligence varies on a scale of 9-10 in my surrealistic cabinet (My brain). Where I come from, intelligence is a requirement if you want to get above the food chain of my neighborhood. A Jungle more or less is what mine is like, where there is only one chance to succeed because; sometimes, family doesnt always have your back. I noticed that I have a gift to comprehend and apply my skills to the right situation. I figured out that the key to survival is the ability to adapt. Assimilation is common in my neighborhood where somebody is always trying to be somebody other than themselves, but how can they really reach their prime if they dont be themselves right? I stand out in every situation because of my intelligence and my eerie demeanor. Im not that rich kid with a spoil attitude, and the most expensive cars, and the most friends in the world. Im rich in personality and thats all that matter to me. My mysterious demeanor is what really attracts my peers though. My intelligence mixes in with my eerie demeanor

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