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Richel Aratari Kade Parry English 1010 Section 064 2 December 2013 Research Essay Reflection In my essay I researched

d four different ways biology is taught in classrooms. I explained each viewpoints argument for their way of teaching. The four viewpoints I used were evolution, creationism, intelligent design, and homeschooling. What I hoped to accomplish in this essay was to bring light to the issue. This is an issue that is never taken seriously until a parent finds out what their student is learning and does not like it. I believe bringing light to the issue will help settle the debate for some parents before they are faced with that issue. I also hoped that the essay would shed light to how ridiculous ideas such as creationism and intelligent design are. The essay had somewhat of an impact on my view of the world. It helped be see where supporters of creationism, intelligent design, and home schooling are coming from, but researching their point of views did not change my point of view. Challenges that I faced while writing this essay was being unbiased while writing my opposing point of views. I had to put my own opinions aside and just write the facts. I feel that I did fairly well with this research essay considering how difficult it was to find more than two point of views. I feel my writing has improved since the beginning of the semester and that I did a pretty good job of giving each point of view a fair chance in the argument.

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