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Moments mythiques (descriptions)

Joshua Holt/Le Serment du Jeu de Paume

This is a French event and it was held at the Jeu de Paume at Versailles on June 20,1789. French citizens were a major part of the event as they formally stood in oppositions to Louis XVI and the National Assembly's refusal to back down to force the King to make concessions. During this event the Oath pledged signed by 576 of the 577 members from the third estate. The oath inspired a wide variety of revolutionary activity in the months afterwards. The oath in time forced Louis XVI to order the clergy and the notability to join with the third estate in the National Assembly. It reinforced the Assembly's strength and forced the King to formally request that voting occur based on head, not order. In time this event brought all three levels of clergy(Third States) into a "Constituent Assembly" which will end the abolition of feudalism, the Declaration of the Right of Man and the Citizen, and the great principle of the Constitution.

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