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Hannah Gosnell Dr.

Burke English 414 3 December 2013 LSW: Multicultural Fiction I believe that the Homeless Bird is too negative for children. India is not necessarily made out to be a negative place because these things happen in every country but children do not know that and would grow up thinking of India as a bad place. This book deals with issues that pertain to an older audience. I believe that this would be a good book for young adults, perhaps grades 6 and up but certainly not for children. I really enjoyed this book but I would never read it to a child. I believe that some of the negative things would just scare the child. These negative things include but are not limited to: Leaving home: Koly has to leave home to get married. Feelings of inadequacy: Kolys Sass is constantly hounding her for doing things wrong even if they werent really wrong. Child labor: Koly is made to do everything in the household and later works in a shop. Hunger: There is not enough food. Disease: Hari dies from a disease. Abandonment: Kolys Sass leaves her. Stranger-danger: A man tries to take Koly. Drugs: Koly gets drugged by one of her coworkers. Stealing: The same coworker who drugged her is also a thief. These are things that I believe a young adult can understand without being frightened by them. This book should not be a childrens book just because the main character is a young girl but a young adult book to inform the youth at the right age about some negative things that are happening in the world.

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