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Spaguetti and Bolognese sauce Recipe First of all yo have to buy this ingredients Spaguetti Water Ground beef

Ground beef Tomatoes Onion Garlics Parmesan chesse Olive oil Salt Pepper Sugar oregano

In a frying pan, pour a little bit of olive oil and fry the garlic and the onions.Them, add the tomatoes previously choped. Add a pinch of salt, pepper and sugar. In another pan, pour threeor four table spoom of olive oil and fry the ground beef. When the meat turns brown add the previous preparation with a pinch of oregano. Once the sauce is ready, boile up the water with a spoom of olive oil and salt. Add the spaguettis to the boiling water and wait. When the spaguettis are al dente turn of the burner and strain them. In a plate, put the cooked spagguetis with the sauce on top and add a hand full of parmesan chesse on the top.

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