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Observation Mrs.

Fishers Class Third Grade Reading Groups Soccer Sue Shared predictions of what would happen next in the story. Had the students reread their predictions, this is also checking the clarity of their writing as well. Mrs. Fisher talks about the importance of punctuation in your writing to clarify. Talks about improvement of the writing piece. More details Characters names Clarity of sentences Specifics Has sticky notes for bookmarkers, so if they come up to tricky words they can write them down. Has the student read, mentions quotations marks and how your voice needs to change (inflection) because is someone is speaking. Had student reread. Read to him so he could hear the change in voice. Another student got stuck on a word caught Mrs. Fisher said, What would make sense here? Stops, has students summarize. Comprehension Has the students read quietly to self. Out loud for fluency Quotation marks- voice change Exclamatory- louder Question mark-up Has a dry erase board propped up for the question they are suppose to write in waiting journal.

The Day the Sky Turned Green Commented I like that you are looking at the speaker, good job. Started with group by the students to read their predictions about the story. Had questions about the students predictions, tell me why you think that, tell me more. Comment on self-correction, good fixing. Has groups 4-5 chooses 2 students to read with everyone else silently reads. Has a paper like a calendar. The dates vertical, the names horizontal with boxes and a section for notes at the end. Dont restart sentences, break it apart. Instructions> break it apart. Once she had the word then the sentence was reread for understanding. Tries to find good stopping point for predictions. Partner read for ten minutes

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