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Lesson 5: During- & Post-Reading Unit Working Title: You Make the Difference Unit Primary Skill focus:

Reading comprehension Week 2 of ! Plan "5 of #2! $%& mins'( )ritical Learning *+,ecti-es: SWBAT: )ogniti-e .kno/0understand1: 1. Students wi understand the effects of !e onging to a group. d. Students wi fee what it"s ike to !e a mem!er of a group# and what it"s ike to !e $different% from other groups. &. Students wi know strategies for reading comprehension. a. Students wi know how to annotate a te't with their (uestions and comments. 2ffecti-e .feel0-alue1: ). Students wi appreciate how iterature can speak to# and enrich# persona e'perience. a. Students wi appreciate how iterature has he ped inform a professiona writer"s e'perience. !. Students wi appreciate how iterature can enrich their own ife e'perience. Performance .do1: *. Students wi use strategies for reading comprehension. a. Students wi annotate a te't with their (uestions and comments. S*Ls: +.) The student wi read and ana ,-e a .ariet, of nonfiction te'ts. g/ Ana ,-e and s,nthesi-e information in order to so .e pro! ems# answer (uestions# or comp ete a task. h/ Draw conc usions and make inferences on e'p icit and imp ied information using te'tua support as e.idence. k/ 0se the reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process. Procedures03nstructional Strategies [Note: An, words that represent what 1 wou d sa, direct , to students appear in italics.2 4eginning Room 2rrangement: Students are seated at their desks in pods of four. #' $5 mins'( 4ridge: 3The fo owing Do 4ow directions are on the Smart!oard# .ia 5ower5oint.2

Do 4ow: Think a!out what goes through ,our head when ,ou"re reading something# and answer the fo owing (uestions in ,our 6ourna . 7There are no right or wrong answers# 6ust honest ones./ 1. Do ,ou !ree-e through the words without rea , thinking a!out them8 &. Do ,ou form images in ,our head# !ased on the words ,ou read8 9. Do ,ou get confused and ask ,ourse f $What 6ust happened% or $Wh, did he sa, that%8 :. Do ,ou go !ack and reread the parts that confused ,ou8 ). Do ,ou think a!out what ,ou wou d do or sa, in a particu ar character"s situation8 ;. Write a few sentences e'p aining wh, ,ou think a reader might !other to do some of these things. 3Students answer the Do<4ow (uestions in their 6ourna s# whi e 1 (uiet , take attendance.2 Hi, everyone! Welcome back. I cant wait to get todays lesson started. Were going to learn some exciting strategies that will make yo r reading more interactive, and then well hear !rom a writer who has some interesting ex"eriences to share. #o lets $ m" right in! 2' $#& mins'( Ste5 #: Teac6er 7odels Reading Strategies -ia T6ink 2loud %olded in the back cover o! yo r $o rnal, yo ll !ind an excer"t !rom a short essay by the hilario s &avid #edaris. 'oh, did yo hear that rhyme( Hilario s #edaris! )aise yo r hand i! yo dont have a co"y o! *+o ,arolina- in yo r $o rnal. 31f an,one needs one# 1 hand it to them.2 'kay, everyone, "lease n!old yo r co"y and read it to yo rsel! as I read it alo d. .s I read, Im going to tell yo what Im thinking and doing. .nd Im going to annotate the text as I read. /ay close attention, beca se Im going to ask yo to contin e reading and annotating the text when Im done. .nnotating will hel" yo all engage with, and nderstand, anything yo read better. 0isten and see. 31 stand at front of c assroom with a c ean cop, of $=o >aro ina% pro6ected on the !oard !, the doc cam.2 1his essay is called *+o ,arolina.- I wonder what that means( Wow, I havent even gotten to the !irst word o! the essay and I already have a 2 estion. Im going to write my 2 estion on the "age. 31 circ e the tit e and write What does this mean( What is this story abo t( ne't to it.2 .s I read the story, Im going to want to "ay attention to any cl es abo t what the title might mean. 31 !egin reading the first paragraph.2 1his reminds me o! a scene !rom a movie I saw, in which some government o!!icials try to arrest a man they think is a s"y, and he goes with them, beca se hes act ally $ st an ordinary citi3en and thinks he has to do what they

say. 31 write the name of the in the margin of the first paragraph.2 31 finish reading the second paragraph: $'h, I think we both know why.% 1 under ine this ast sentence and write the fo owing words as 1 speak them a oud.2 4s ally, the agents think this "erson has done something wrong, and they think this "erson knows s5he is g ilty. 1here!ore, they *both know why- the "erson needs to go wherever the agents take him5her. 3When 1 get to the part that sa,s# 1ho gh it "robably has it moments, the average day s"ent in hiding is bo nd to beat the average day s"ent in "rison# 1 write the fo owing as 1 sa, it a oud.2 .t least in hiding, yo might have decent !ood and yo r own s"ace. In "rison, yo eat what they give yo and share a tiny cell with a stranger. 31 start reading the ne't paragraph.2 'h, now I know why the narrator started with all that in!ormation abo t agents on 16 shows coming !or "eo"le and taking them away. .""arently, an agent is coming to take the narrator away. I wonder why an agent is coming !or the narrator( What did he do( .nd why is he in a geogra"hy lesson( Is he a st dent or a teacher( 31n the margin# 1 write Why( What did he do(2 .lso, the narrator already told s that these kinds o! sit ations always end one o! two ways 31 turn !ack to the pre.ious page and read2: *1he s s"ect then chooses between doing things the hard way and doing things the easy way, and the scene ends with either g n!ire or the gentlemanly a""lication o! handc !!s.- #o, I think that means the s s"ect either " ts " a !ight 7hence the *g n!ire-8 or decides to go "eace! lly 7hence the *gentlemanly a""lication o! handc !!s-8. I! these sit ations always end one way or the other, I wonder which way the sit ation will end !or o r narrator. 31 turn the page !ack to the paragraph 1 6ust finished reading and write# Will he go "eace! lly or " t " a !ight(2 #o, do yo see what Im doing( .s I read whats on the "age, I notice what 2 estions I have and what knowledge I have that relates to whats on the "age. #ee how in the !irst "aragra"h, I was reminded o! a movie Ive seen that has the same ty"e o! scenario described in this essay( .nd see how I asked 2 estions abo t what the title means and why an agent has come !or the narrator( Im also trying to antici"ate how this scene will end: is the narrator going to go "eace! lly, or will there be some sort o! !ight( Im sing my annotations to have a conversation with the text as I read it. 1his hel"s me better nderstand, and en$oy, what Im reading. &oes anyone else have any 2 estions or reactions to what weve read so !ar( 31f so# 1 in.ite students to share.2 8' $#5 mins'( Ste5 2: 3nde5endent Practice 'kay, now its yo r t rn. 9ee" reading the essay to yo rsel! and write down any tho ghts, reactions, or 2 estions yo have as yo go. I! yo get st ck, take a look at the #mart :oard !or ideas o! ty"es o! 2 estions and "hrases yo might se to start yo r

tho ghts. 3?n Smart Board are $Stem Starters% for annotations that students can refer to as needed 7Beers# &@@9# p. 1@A/.2 I ex"ect everyone to write at least ; tho ghts52 estions in the next < min tes. I know this is the !irst time many o! yo are trying this, so "lease raise yo r hands i! yo have any 2 estions. Its "er!ectly okay to be a little con! sed or to make some mistakes as were learning. : t I ex"ect yo to ask !or hel", which Im very ha""y to give. 31 circu ate# offering feed!ack and he ping students as needed. 1 take note of good student e'amp es to share with the c ass after their ) minutes of independent work.2 ' $5 mins( Ste5 8: )lass S6are I saw yo all having some really interesting conversations with yo r texts. Who wo ld like to share one o! yo r annotations with s( 31 wait for .o unteersB otherwise# 1 ca on the students whom 1 warned ahead of time 1 might ca on. Students share some of their annotations with the c ass.2 =ohn, will yo ex"lain what yo were thinking abo t when yo wrote that annotation( 3Cohn e'p ains that he used information from the te't to tr, to predict what wou d happen ater.2 9aitlyn, will yo tell s how yo r thinking led yo to annotate that( 3Dait ,n e'p ains that her cousin# >har ie# speaks with a isp# so she wrote his name in the margin when she rea i-ed that the narrator spoke with a isp.2 >xcellent $ob making connections with the text, yo g ys! Its so hel"! l to se what yo know to nderstand what yo re reading better. .nd yo all know a ot that can hel" yo with yo r reading! 5' $5 mins( Ste5 : Pre-reading Pre5 & Read 2loud 'kay, I think yo re all ready to try a""lying this reading techni2 e to a new text. : t !irst, we need to think abo t how what yo did last class relates to the text were abo t to read. 3The fo owing instructions appear on the Smart Board as 1 sa, them a oud.2 ?. /lease o"en yo r $o rnal to last classs entries. )ead what yo wrote in both entries. @. )ead each entry a second time, this time circling all *!eeling- words. %eeling words are anything that describe how yo were thinking or !eeling abo t something 7i.e. ha""y, mad, con! sed, con!ident, "ro d, !r strated, etc.8 Ao have !ive min tes. 3Students work for ) minutes.2

.s yo remember, we had somewhat o! a strange class on Bonday. Ao were all members o! a "artic lar gro " C #aldenia, =ern, &io"ol, or Hebmadok C and yo had to work with members o! other gro "s to b ild a str ct re to match a bl e"rint that only one o! yo co ld see. Bost o! yo !o nd this "retty di!!ic lt, given yo r di!!erent vocab laries and ways o! comm nicating. 1o make things even more con! sing, #aldenians and &io"ols had some n!amiliar c stoms that members o! other gro "s didnt know abo t or nderstand, so some o! yo !elt o t o! "lace and even more !r strated by the !act that yo didnt know what was going on. Id like yo all to kee" yo r tho ghts and !eelings abo t that ex"erience !resh in yo r brains while we hear !rom an a thor named =h m"a 0ahiri talk abo t her ex"erience growing " in .merica. 'n yo r desk, there is a transcri"t o! the National / blic )adio interview with Bs. 0ahiri. /lease t rn it rightDside " and read it to yo rsel! as I "lay the interview alo d. I ex"ect everyone to listen actively and attentively. %or now, all yo re doing is listening and thinking abo t =h m"a 0ahiris ex"eriences. 31 p a, recording of inter.iew.2 9' $#& mins( Ste5 5: 3nde5endent Reading & 2nnotation Now yo re going to read the interview again to yo rselves. .s yo read, I need yo to annotate some o! yo r tho ghts and 2 estions directly on the "age, $ st like we did earlier with the *+o ,arolina- essay. /lease make s re yo r writing is legible, so that I can see how yo were thinking and res"onding. :y the time yo re done reading, yo sho ld have at east ; 2 estions5tho ghts5reactions written on yo r transcri"t. )emember, yo may re!er to the #mart :oard i! yo need some hel" getting started. &oes anyone have any 2 estions( 'kay, "lease begin reading and res"onding to the text. 31 wa k around the room to see what students are writing. 1 take note of good (uestions and responses that 1 think wi generate good discussion. Whi e students finish up# 1 t,pe these (uestions on the computer to disp a, on the Smart Board in the atter part of Step ).2 :' $2& mins( Ste5 9: )lass & Pair S6are 'kay, Im excited to hear abo t what yo all tho ght and !elt and wondered as yo read the interview! )aise yo r hand i! yo had something written on the !irst "age o! the interview. 3Eands go up.2 %antastic! I need two vol nteers to come write their best !irst "age tho ght on my co"y " !ront. 1hank yo , :ecca and .mir. 3Becca and Amir come write their annotations on m, transcript under the doc cam and

return to their seats. 1 ask them to ta k a!outFe'p ain what the, wrote and wh, the, wrote it.2 >xcellent! I saw some other great 2 estions that I want yo all to think abo t with the "erson next to yo . 31 disp a, students" 7anon,mous/ annotated (uestions on the Smart Board.2 ,hoose three o! these 2 estions that interest yo most and disc ss with yo r "artner. Ao have ?E min tes. I! yo !inish disc ssing yo r ; 2 estions be!ore times ", choose some o! the other 2 estions to disc ss. /ay care! l attention to yo r conversations, beca se I may call on yo to share later. 3Students discuss as 1 circu ate and ea.esdrop. When time"s up# 1 ca on a few students to share something interestingFcontro.ersia the, discussed with their partner.2 ;' $#5 mins( Ste5 :: <ournal Reflection .re yo all ready !or a challenge( +reat! I want yo to think abo t the 2 estion that the interviewer asks Bs. 0ahiri toward the end o! the interview 31 disp a, (uote on Smart Board as 1 sa, it a oud2: he asks, *I wonder i! yo learned something abo t yo r own ex"erience by writing abo t characters who share some o! yo r ex"eriences(Heres yo r challenge: in yo r $o rnal, answer the !ollowing 2 estions 3disp a,ed !eneath the (uote on the Smart Board2: &o yo think writing or reading abo t other "eo"le can hel" yo nderstand yo r own ex"eriences better( Why or why not( &oes yo r answer change whether the "eo"le yo write5read abo t are di!!erent !rom, or similar to, yo ( Why or why not( %eel !ree to se s"eci!ic exam"les !rom yo r reading5writing, or the roleD"laying activity !rom last class. :e ready to share some o! yo r ideas with a "artner. 3After students ha.e had a chance to write for 1@ minutes# 1 in.ite them to share with their neigh!or.2 %' $5 mins( )losure: =>it Sli5 1hank yo all !or another s ccess! l class! I ho"e yo all learned as m ch !rom each other as I did today! 'n a sheet o! "a"er with yo r name on it, "lease write the two most im"ortant or interesting things yo learned today. 1hese res"onses will be yo r tickets o t the door. 7et6ods of 2ssessment: Students" 6ourna responses 7Step ;/# te't annotations 7Steps &# 9# )# ;/# discussions 7Steps 9 G ;/# and e'it s ips 7> osure/ wi te me whether the,".e reached S?Hs +.; h# 6# k and ?! 1# &# 9# and :. 1f students" writing and con.ersations ref ect (uestions raised !,# and connections made !etween# their own e'periences and the te'ts the,"re reading# 1 wi know the, ha.e accomp ished S?Hs +.; h# 6# k and ?! 1# 9# and :. Students" 6ourna responses to the

(uestions posed in Step ; wi inform me whether the, ha.e reached S?Hs +.; h# 6# k and ?! & and 9. Iina ,# the e'it s ip wi he p me identif, which o! students !e ie.e the, earned toda,. Differentiated 3nstruction to accommodate one or more of my 5rofiled students: Toda,"s Reading J'perience inc uded a te't 7this unit"s primar, te't/ with an accompan,ing audio component. The audio inter.iew is meant to he p a students practice their istening ski s# !ut is especia , he pfu for Dait ,nK 7who reads at a *th grade e.e and !enefits from hearing the te't read a oud !efore encountering it on her own/ and AmirK 7who is an JHH who !enefits from audio and .isua e'posure to the same content/. K5seudon,m 7aterials ?eeded: Smart Board S ides with Do 4ow# directions# and writingFspeaking prompts Doc cam Student 6ourna s Eard copies of $=o >aro ina% Eard copies of Chumpa Hahiri inter.iew Recording of Chumpa Hahiri inter.iew a! e on ine/ 7aterials 255endi>: Stem Starter ?.erhead 7from Beers# &@@9# p. 1@A/: 7ake a )onnection < This reminds me ofL < This part is ikeL < This character 7fi in name/ is ike 7fi in name/ !ecauseL < This is simi ar toL < The differences areL < 1 a so 7name something in the te't that has a so happened to ,ou/L < 1 7name something in the te't that ,ou ha.e e'perienced/L < This character makes me think ofL < This setting reminds me ofL 2sk a @uestion < Wh, didL < What"s this part a!outL < Eow is this 7fi in detai / ike this 7fi in detai /L < What wou d happen ifL < Wh,L < Who isL < What does this 7fi in detai / meanL

7ake a Prediction < 1 predict thatL < 1 !et thatL < 1 think thatL < Since this happened 7fi in detai /# then 1 !et the ne't thing that"s going to happen isL < 1 wonder ifL 7ake a )omment < This is good !ecauseL < This is !ad !ecauseL < This is confusing !ecauseL < 1 ike this part !ecauseL < 1 don"t ike this part !ecauseL

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