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The picture displayed on the whiteboard immediately struck me as an image displaying a young boy visiting his fathers grave.

The photograph consists of black and white colors and a barren landscape creating a very gloomy feeling in the picture. It appears to me that hes in a cemetery because the scene is very secluded, the vegetation around the young boy appears to be dead and unmaintained (not something youd see in someones yard), and crows are flying through the sky. The young child appears to be looking up at the sky as the sun peaks through a cloud and in my mind hes trying to look up in the sky for guidance from his father. The boy appears to feel lost and distressed through his rested shoulders, hands down by his side and head straight up in the air. By learning how to critically analyze pictures and ads in the rhetorical analysis I was able to realize why I initially thought of the picture as one of a young boy at his fathers grave.

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