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Engineering Education Australia email telephone +61 3 9274 9600

Diploma of Project Management (Online)

Course Outline

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Project Management

Learn Project Management when it suits you

The Diploma of Project Management (Online) is for Project Managers who are currently or soon to be managing projects from an end to

The Diploma of Project management courses Melbourne is composed of 20 interactive learning Modules integrated within a schedule of online, facilitator-led tutorials which are framed around specific skill areas of Project Management and ongoing Qualification Assessment support. The detailed learning content is further strengthened through the Project Management text book provided to all participants, practical Project Management Templates and via access to periodical and topical Project Management Webinars scheduled throughout the year. The participants learning will be structured throughout the program according to their own individual learning plan which allows the program to cater for all levels of Project Management experience and which allows for a customised

The course is structured to follow the recognised Project Management processes (see numbered list below) and the participant takes

in their learning material following the same intuitive pathway that real organisational projects take from beginning to end. 1. Project Initiation 2. Project Planning 3. Project Execution
4. Project Monitoring and Controlling

end perspective. It is delivered over a 12-month period, within a structured online learning environment (including online assessment support), which enables participants to have the flexibility of undertaking learning in their own time and at their own pace.
Endorsed by the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) and aligned to both the Australian National Competency Standards and PMBOK, this program has been developed specifically for Project Managers who are wanting to upgrade their skills and qualifications but unable to access traditional training options during business hours.

5. Closing the Project

Participants will learn and understand how all of the functional knowledge areas of Project Management fit together within the key Project Management processes and overall structure of the Project Lifecycle. On completion of their learning Plan, participants will compile a portfolio of evidence and be assessed against the Diploma of Project Management national competency standard at Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) level 5.

approach to their Project Management development.

The total value proposition for the Diploma of Project Management (Online) includes: An individual Learning Plan Qualification Assessment Coaching tutorials Access to the Online Learning Content Access to the Online Facilitator led Tutorials A Project Management Text book
A set of practical project management templates

Target Audience
The Diploma of Project Management (Online) is for Project Managers currently or soon to be managing projects from an end to end perspective. It is also suitable for experienced Project Managers looking for further Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and to have their experience recognised through achievement of a nationally recognised Project Management qualification

Online Assessment support A Qualification Assessment for the Diploma of Project Management

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Engineering Education Australia email telephone +61 3 9274 9600 Register

Diploma of Project Management (Online)

Benefits for Participants
The primary objectives for participants are:
1. Understand the components and requirements of a formal Project Management methodology and to be able to evaluate its effectiveness. 2. Understand the Project Lifecycle and its role in bringing a repeatable and structured approach to Project Delivery

Project Management

3. Understand how to plan a project utilising all of the nine functional knowledge areas defined in the PMBOK.
4. Monitor the health status of a Project across the phases of the Project Lifecycle using a Dashboard approach.

5. Understand the Project Control cycle and the mechanisms and systems required to ensure effective Project Management. 6. Manage the close down phase of a projectReg

To achieve these objectives participants will: Have access to the structured online learning environment (including online assessment support), which includes detailed content covering all of the nine functional knowledge areas of the PMBOK and National Competency Standards and teaches the learner how to manage them across all phases of the Project Life Cycle including the concept of the Project Dashboard approach in terms of Monitoring and Controlling the health status of a project.

The nine areas covered are as follows: Scope Human Resources Time Communication Cost Procurement Quality Integration Risk
The modules are structured to engage the participant through a combination of audio-visual and interactive practical learning activities.

As part of their individual learning plans, all participants will be scheduled to access online tutorials teaching specific content around each of the functional knowledge areas as well as additional coaching tutorials to apply this learning in the workplace and to capture the required evidence from a qualification assessment perspective.

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