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Corbin, Danielle AAHP 3001-H01 Dr. Dragon 3 September 2013 Cultural Knowledge List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 15. I am a person who tries to only eat meat when I find it, or it is prepared for me. I get most of my food from dumpsters. I recycle. I dance ballet, modern dance, and improvisational and collaborative movement compositional forms. I wear bras sometimes, but I usually choose not to. I have DIY (Do It Yourself) hair. I usually do not shave my legs or armpits. I usually bleach my mustache, and shave my arms and my big toes. I am a contracted artist with the Triptych Collective. I have a stick-and-poke tattoo, a tattoo representing sibling connection, a septum piercing, nipple piercings, and several ear piercings. I am under 25 years of age. I fall into the broad category of woman. I have skin that ranges in color from pale to very dark brown, but is categorized as white. I have a queer sexuality. I am part of a family composed of two parents, and four children. I have three older brothers our mom adopted my two oldest brothers, Chris and Justin, before Joshua and I were born, when she married our dad after Chris and Justins birth mother died from breast cancer. I speak in a rural Appalachian dialect when I visit home or talk to people from home. I come from a long family history in rural Appalachia. My family lives in the house that my dad was born in. My dad is retired from a government job, but both of my parents work to make ends meet. I was raised in a Southern Baptist denomination. I usually feel spiritual, but I have no desire to participate as an active member in organized religion. I sometimes go to Catholic Mass on Christmas Eve, because I think it is beautiful. I spend time with family on Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter I often go to a sunrise service at my grandmothers Baptist church on Easter morning. I know that I am of Scotts-Irish, French, and Native American descent, although I am sure the complete family line is more complicated. I was born in Warrenton, Virginia, and my family moved to Franklin, North Carolina when I was four years old. I have a close family member who has Aspergers syndrome. I have a close family member who struggles with alcohol addiction. I have a close family member who has experienced domestic violence. I live in a two bedroom apartment with a gay man who is one of my best friends.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

I have always had pets at my familys house. I drive a 72 Volkswagen Beetle. I was raised in a conservative, republican household. I have always been an honors student. I am unsure of how much this list actually says about who I am.

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