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10361 AN ACT INSTITUTING POLICIES FOR THE PROTECTION AND WELFARE OF DOMESTIC WORKERS Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Secti ! 1. Short Title. This Act shall be known as the "Domestic Workers Act" or "Batas Kasambahay". Secti ! ". Declaration of Policies. It is hereby declared that: (a) The tate stron!ly a""irms labor as a #rimary social "orce and is committed to res#ect$ #romote$ #rotect and reali%e the "&ndamental #rinci#les and ri!hts at work incl&din!$ b&t not limited to$ abolition o" child labor$ elimination o" all "orms o" "orced labor$ discrimination in em#loyment and occ&#ation$ and tra""ickin! in #ersons$ es#ecially women and children' (b) The tate adheres to internationally acce#ted workin! conditions "or workers in !eneral$ and establishes labor standards "or domestic workers in #artic&lar$ towards decent em#loyment and income$ enhanced co(era!e o" social #rotection$ res#ect "or h&man ri!hts and stren!thened social dialo!&e' (c) The tate reco!ni%es the need to #rotect the ri!hts o" domestic workers a!ainst ab&se$ harassment$ (iolence$ economic e)#loitation and #er"ormance o" work that is ha%ardo&s to their #hysical and mental health' and (d) The tate$ in #rotectin! domestic workers and reco!ni%in! their s#ecial needs to ens&re sa"e and health"&l workin! conditions$ #romotes !ender*sensiti(e meas&res in the "orm&lation and im#lementation o" #olicies and #ro!rams a""ectin! the local domestic work. Secti ! 3. Coverage. This Act a##lies to all domestic workers em#loyed and workin! within the co&ntry. Secti ! #. Definition of Terms. As &sed in this Act$ the term: (a) Debt bondage re"ers to the renderin! o" ser(ice by the domestic worker as sec&rity or #ayment "or a debt where the len!th and nat&re o" ser(ice is not clearly de"ined or when the (al&e o" the ser(ice is not reasonably a##lied in the #ayment o" the debt. (b) Deployment e penses re"ers to e)#enses that are directly &sed "or the trans"er o" the domestic worker "rom #lace o" ori!in to the #lace o" work co(erin! the cost o" trans#ortation. Ad(ances or loans by the domestic worker are not incl&ded in the de"inition o" de#loyment e)#enses. (c) Domestic !or" re"ers to work #er"ormed in or "or a ho&sehold or ho&seholds. (d) Domestic !or"er or "Kasambahay" re"ers to any #erson en!a!ed in domestic work within an em#loyment relationshi# s&ch as$ b&t not limited to$ the "ollowin!: !eneral ho&sehel#$

n&rsemaid or "yaya"$ cook$ !ardener$ or la&ndry #erson$ b&t shall e)cl&de any #erson who #er"orms domestic work only occasionally or s#oradically and not on an occ&#ational basis. The term shall not incl&de children who are &nder "oster "amily arran!ement$ and are #ro(ided access to ed&cation and !i(en an allowance incidental to ed&cation$ i.e. "baon"$ trans#ortation$ school #ro+ects and school acti(ities. (e) #mployer re"ers to any #erson who en!a!es and controls the ser(ices o" a domestic worker and is #arty to the em#loyment contract. (") Household re"ers to the immediate members o" the "amily or the occ&#ants o" the ho&se that are directly #ro(ided ser(ices by the domestic worker. (!) Private #mployment $gency %P#$& re"ers to any indi(id&al$ le!itimate #artnershi#$ cor#oration or entity licensed to en!a!e in the recr&itment and #lacement o" domestic workers "or local em#loyment. (h) 'or"ing children( as &sed &nder this Act$ re"ers to domestic workers who are "i"teen (,-) years old and abo(e b&t below ei!hteen (,.) years old. ARTICLE II RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES Secti ! $. Standard of Treatment. ) The em#loyer or any member o" the ho&sehold shall not s&b+ect a domestic worker or "kasambahay" to any kind o" ab&se nor in"lict any "orm o" #hysical (iolence or harassment or any act tendin! to de!rade the di!nity o" a domestic worker. Secti ! 6. Board( *odging and +edical $ttendance. The em#loyer shall #ro(ide "or the basic necessities o" the domestic worker to incl&de at least three (/) ade0&ate meals a day and h&mane slee#in! arran!ements that ens&re sa"ety. The em#loyer shall #ro(ide a##ro#riate rest and assistance to the domestic worker in case o" illnesses and in+&ries s&stained d&rin! ser(ice witho&t loss o" bene"its. At no instance shall the em#loyer withdraw or hold in abeyance the #ro(ision o" these basic necessities as #&nishment or disci#linary action to the domestic worker. Secti ! %. ,uarantee of Privacy. 1es#ect "or the #ri(acy o" the domestic worker shall be !&aranteed at all times and shall e)tend to all "orms o" comm&nication and #ersonal e""ects. This !&arantee e0&ally reco!ni%es that the domestic worker is obli!ed to render satis"actory ser(ice at all times. Secti ! &. $ccess to -utside Communication. ) The em#loyer shall !rant the domestic worker access to o&tside comm&nication d&rin! "ree time: Provided( That in case o" emer!ency$ access to comm&nication shall be !ranted e(en d&rin! work time. ho&ld the domestic worker make &se o" the em#loyer2s tele#hone or other comm&nication "acilities$ the costs shall be borne by the domestic worker$ &nless s&ch char!es are wai(ed by the em#loyer. Secti ! '. Right to #ducation and Training. The em#loyer shall a""ord the domestic worker the o##ort&nity to "inish basic ed&cation and may allow access to alternati(e learnin! systems and$ as "ar as #racticable$ hi!her ed&cation or technical and (ocational trainin!. The em#loyer shall ad+&st

the work sched&le o" the domestic worker to allow s&ch access to ed&cation or trainin! witho&t ham#erin! the ser(ices re0&ired by the em#loyer. Secti ! 10. Prohibition $gainst Privileged .nformation. All comm&nication and in"ormation #ertainin! to the em#loyer or members o" the ho&sehold shall be treated as #ri(ile!ed and con"idential$ and shall not be #&blicly disclosed by the domestic worker d&rin! and a"ter em#loyment. &ch #ri(ile!ed in"ormation shall be inadmissible in e(idence e)ce#t when the s&it in(ol(es the em#loyer or any member o" the ho&sehold in a crime a!ainst #ersons$ #ro#erty$ #ersonal liberty and sec&rity$ and chastity. ARTICLE III PRE(EMPLO)MENT Secti ! 11. #mployment Contract. An em#loyment contract shall be e)ec&ted by and between the domestic worker and the em#loyer be"ore the commencement o" the ser(ice in a lan!&a!e or dialect &nderstood by both the domestic worker and the em#loyer. The domestic worker shall be #ro(ided a co#y o" the d&ly si!ned em#loyment contract which m&st incl&de the "ollowin!: (a) D&ties and res#onsibilities o" the domestic worker' (b) 3eriod o" em#loyment' (c) 4om#ensation' (d) A&thori%ed ded&ctions' (e) 5o&rs o" work and #ro#ortionate additional #ayment' (") 1est days and allowable lea(es' (!) Board$ lod!in! and medical attention' (h) A!reements on de#loyment e)#enses$ i" any' (i) 6oan a!reement' (+) Termination o" em#loyment' and (k) Any other law"&l condition a!reed &#on by both #arties. The De#artment o" 6abor and 7m#loyment (D867) shall de(elo# a model em#loyment contract "or domestic workers which shall$ at all times$ be made a(ailable "ree o" char!e to domestic workers$ em#loyers$ re#resentati(e or!ani%ations and the !eneral #&blic. The D867 shall widely disseminate in"ormation to domestic workers and em#loyers on the &se o" s&ch model em#loyment contract. In cases where the em#loyment o" the domestic worker is "acilitated thro&!h a #ri(ate em#loyment a!ency$ the 37A shall kee# a co#y o" all em#loyment contracts o" domestic workers and shall be made a(ailable "or (eri"ication and ins#ection by the D867.

Secti ! 1". Pre/#mployment Re0uirement. ) 3rior to the e)ec&tion o" the em#loyment contract$ the em#loyer may re0&ire the "ollowin! "rom the domestic worker: (a) 9edical certi"icate or a health certi"icate iss&ed by a local !o(ernment health o""icer' (b) Baran!ay and #olice clearance' (c) :ational B&rea& o" In(esti!ation (:BI) clearance' and (d) D&ly a&thenticated birth certi"icate or i" not a(ailable$ any other doc&ment showin! the a!e o" the domestic worker s&ch as (oter2s identi"ication card$ ba#tismal record or #ass#ort. 5owe(er$ ection ,;(a)$ (b)$ (c) and (d) shall be standard re0&irements when the em#loyment o" the domestic worker is "acilitated thro&!h the 37A. The cost o" the "ore!oin! shall be borne by the #ros#ecti(e em#loyer or a!ency$ as the case may be. Secti ! 13. Recruitment and 1inder2s 1ees. ) 1e!ardless o" whether the domestic worker was hired thro&!h a #ri(ate em#loyment a!ency or a third #arty$ no share in the recr&itment or "inder2s "ees shall be char!ed a!ainst the domestic worker by the said #ri(ate em#loyment a!ency or third #arty. Secti ! 1#. Deposits for *oss or Damage. ) It shall be &nlaw"&l "or the em#loyer or any other #erson to re0&ire a domestic worker to make de#osits "rom which ded&ctions shall be made "or the reimb&rsement o" loss or dama!e to tools$ materials$ "&rnit&re and e0&i#ment in the ho&sehold. Secti ! 1$. Prohibition on Debt Bondage. ) It shall be &nlaw"&l "or the em#loyer or any #erson actin! on behal" o" the em#loyer to #lace the domestic worker &nder debt bonda!e. Secti ! 16. #mployment $ge of Domestic 'or"ers. ) It shall be &nlaw"&l to em#loy any #erson below "i"teen (,-) years o" a!e as a domestic worker. 7m#loyment o" workin! children$ as de"ined &nder this Act$ shall be s&b+ect to the #ro(isionso" ection ,<(A)$ #ara!ra#h ; o" ection ,;*A$ #ara!ra#h = o" ection ,;*D$ and ection ,/ o" 1e#&blic Act :o. >?,<$ as amended$ otherwise known as the " #ecial 3rotection o" 4hildren A!ainst 4hild Ab&se$ 7)#loitation and Discrimination Act". Workin! children shall be entitled to minim&m wa!e$ and all bene"its #ro(ided &nder this Act. Any em#loyer who has been sentenced by a co&rt o" law o" any o""ense a!ainst a workin! child &nder this Act shall be meted o&t with a #enalty one de!ree hi!her and shall be #rohibited "rom hirin! a workin! child. Secti ! 1%. #mployer2s Reportorial Duties. The em#loyers shall re!ister all domestic workers &nder their em#loyment in the 1e!istry o" Domestic Workers in the baran!ay where the em#loyer2s residence is located. The De#artment o" the Interior and 6ocal @o(ernment (DI6@) shall$ in coordination with the D867$ "orm&late a re!istration system "or this #&r#ose. Secti ! 1&. S"ills Training( $ssessment and Certification. To ens&re #rod&cti(ity and ass&re 0&ality ser(ices$ the D867$ thro&!h the Technical 7d&cation and kills De(elo#ment A&thority (T7 DA)$ shall "acilitate access o" domestic workers to e""icient trainin!$ assessment and certi"ication based on a d&ly #rom&l!ated trainin! re!&lation.

ARTICLE IV EMPLO)MENT * TERMS AND CONDITIONS Secti ! 1'. Health and Safety. ) The em#loyer shall sa"e!&ard the health and sa"ety o" the domestic worker in accordance with laws$ r&les and re!&lations$ with d&e consideration o" the #ec&liar nat&re o" domestic work. Secti ! "0. Daily Rest Period. The domestic worker shall be entitled to an a!!re!ate daily rest #eriod o" ei!ht (.) ho&rs #er day. Secti ! "1. 'ee"ly Rest Period. ) The domestic worker shall be entitled to at least twenty*"o&r (;=) consec&ti(e ho&rs o" rest in a week. The em#loyer and the domestic worker shall a!ree in writin! on the sched&le o" the weekly rest day o" the domestic worker: Provided( That the em#loyer shall res#ect the #re"erence o" the domestic worker as to the weekly rest day when s&ch #re"erence is based on reli!io&s !ro&nds. :othin! in this #ro(ision shall de#ri(e the domestic worker and the em#loyer "rom a!reein! to the "ollowin!: (a) 8""settin! a day o" absence with a #artic&lar rest day' (b) Wai(in! a #artic&lar rest day in ret&rn "or an e0&i(alent daily rate o" #ay' (c) Acc&m&latin! rest days not e)ceedin! "i(e (-) days' or (d) 8ther similar arran!ements. Secti ! "". $ssignment to 3onhousehold 'or". :o domestic worker shall be assi!ned to work in a commercial$ ind&strial or a!ric&lt&ral enter#rise at a wa!e rate lower than that #ro(ided "or a!ric&lt&ral or nona!ric&lt&ral workers. In s&ch cases$ the domestic worker shall be #aid the a##licable minim&m wa!e. Secti ! "3. # tent of Duty. The domestic worker and the em#loyer may m&t&ally a!ree "or the "ormer to tem#orarily #er"orm a task that is o&tside the latter2s ho&sehold "or the bene"it o" another ho&sehold. 5owe(er$ any liability that will be inc&rred by the domestic worker on acco&nt o" s&ch arran!ement shall be borne by the ori!inal em#loyer. In addition$ s&ch work #er"ormed o&tside the ho&sehold shall entitle the domestic worker to an additional #ayment o" not less than the e)istin! minim&m wa!e rate o" a domestic worker. It shall be &nlaw"&l "or the ori!inal em#loyer to char!e any amo&nt "rom the said ho&sehold where the ser(ice o" the domestic worker was tem#orarily #er"ormed. Secti ! "#. +inimum 'age. The minim&m wa!e o" domestic workers shall not be less than the "ollowin!: (a) Two tho&sand "i(e h&ndred #esos (3;$-<<.<<) a month "or those em#loyed in the :ational 4a#ital 1e!ion (:41)' (b) Two tho&sand #esos (3;$<<<.<<) a month "or those em#loyed in chartered cities and "irst class m&nici#alities' and (c) 8ne tho&sand "i(e h&ndred #esos (3,$-<<.<<) a month "or those em#loyed mother m&nici#alities.

A"ter one (,) year "rom the e""ecti(ity o" this Act$ and #eriodically therea"ter$ the 1e!ional Tri#artite and 3rod&cti(ity Wa!e Boards (1T3WBs) shall re(iew$ and i" #ro#er$ determine and ad+&st the minim&m wa!e rates o" domestic workers. Secti ! "$. Payment of 'ages. 3ayment o" wa!es shall be made on time directly to the domestic worker to whom they are d&e in cash at least once a month. The em#loyer$ &nless allowed by the domestic worker thro&!h a written consent$ shall make no ded&ctions "rom the wa!es other than that which is mandated by law. :o em#loyer shall #ay the wa!es o" a domestic worker by means o" #romissory notes$ (o&chers$ co&#ons$ tokens$ tickets$ chits$ or any ob+ect other than the cash wa!e as #ro(ided "or &nder this Act. The domestic worker is entitled to a thirteenth month #ay as #ro(ided "or by law. Secti ! "6. Pay Slip. ) The em#loyer shall at all times #ro(ide the domestic worker with a co#y o" the #ay sli# containin! the amo&nt #aid in cash e(ery #ay day$ and indicatin! all ded&ctions made$ i" any. The co#ies o" the #ay sli# shall be ke#t by the em#loyer "or a #eriod o" three (/) years. Secti ! "%. Prohibition on .nterference in the Disposal of 'ages. ) It shall be &nlaw"&l "or the em#loyer to inter"ere with the "reedom o" any domestic worker to dis#ose o" the latter2s wa!es. The em#loyer shall not "orce$ com#el or obli!e the domestic worker to #&rchase merchandise$ commodities or other #ro#erties "rom the em#loyer or "rom any other #erson$ or otherwise make &se o" any store or ser(ices o" s&ch em#loyer or any other #erson. Secti ! "&. Prohibition $gainst 'ithholding of 'ages. ) It shall be &nlaw"&l "or an em#loyer$ directly or indirectly$ to withhold the wa!es o" the domestic worker. I" the domestic worker lea(es witho&t any +&sti"iable reason$ any &n#aid salary "or a #eriod not e)ceedin! "i"teen (,-) days shall be "or"eited. 6ikewise$ the em#loyer shall not ind&ce the domestic worker to !i(e &# any #art o" the wa!es by "orce$ stealth$ intimidation$ threat or by any other means whatsoe(er. Secti ! "'. *eave Benefits. ) A domestic worker who has rendered at least one (,) year o" ser(ice shall be entitled to an ann&al ser(ice incenti(e lea(e o" "i(e (-) days with #ay: Provided( That any &n&sed #ortion o" said ann&al lea(e shall not be c&m&lati(e or carried o(er to the s&cceedin! years. An&sed lea(es shall not be con(ertible to cash. Secti ! 30. Social and -ther Benefits. ) A domestic worker who has rendered at least one (,) month o" ser(ice shall be co(ered by the ocial ec&rity ystem ( )$ the 3hili##ine 5ealth Ins&rance 4or#oration (3hil5ealth)$ and the 5ome De(elo#ment 9&t&al B&nd or 3a!*IBI@$ and shall be entitled to all the bene"its in accordance with the #ertinent #ro(isions #ro(ided by law. 3remi&m #ayments or contrib&tions shall be sho&ldered by the em#loyer. 5owe(er$ i" the domestic worker is recei(in! a wa!e o" Bi(e tho&sand #esos (3-$<<<.<<) and abo(e #er month$ the domestic worker shall #ay the #ro#ortionate share in the #remi&m #ayments or contrib&tions$ as #ro(ided by law. The domestic worker shall be entitled to all other bene"its &nder e)istin! laws. Secti ! 31. Rescue and Rehabilitation of $bused Domestic 'or"ers. ) Any ab&sed or e)#loited domestic worker shall be immediately resc&ed by a m&nici#al or city social wel"are o""icer or a social wel"are o""icer "rom the De#artment o" ocial Wel"are and De(elo#ment (D WD) in coordination with the concerned baran!ay o""icials. The D WD and the DI6@ shall de(elo# a standard o#eratin!

#roced&re "or the resc&e and rehabilitation o" ab&sed domestic workers$ and in coordination with the D867$ "or #ossible s&bse0&ent +ob #lacement. ARTICLE V POST EMPLO)MENT Secti ! 3". Termination of Service. :either the domestic worker nor the em#loyer may terminate the contract be"ore the e)#iration o" the term e)ce#t "or !ro&nds #ro(ided "or in ections // and /= o" this Act. I" the domestic worker is &n+&stly dismissed$ the domestic worker shall be #aid the com#ensation already earned #l&s the e0&i(alent o" "i"teen (,-) days work by way o" indemnity. I" the domestic worker lea(es witho&t +&sti"iable reason$ any &n#aid salary d&e not e)ceedin! the e0&i(alent "i"teen (,-) days work shall be "or"eited. In addition$ the em#loyer may reco(er "rom the domestic worker costs inc&rred related to the de#loyment e)#enses$ i" any: Provided( That the ser(ice has been terminated within si) (?) months "rom the domestic worker2s em#loyment. I" the d&ration o" the domestic ser(ice is not determined either in sti#&lation or by the nat&re o" the ser(ice$ the em#loyer or the domestic worker may !i(e notice to end the workin! relationshi# "i(e (-) days be"ore the intended termination o" the ser(ice. The domestic worker and the em#loyer may m&t&ally a!ree &#on written notice to #re*terminate the contract o" em#loyment to end the em#loyment relationshi#. Secti ! 33. Termination .nitiated by the Domestic 'or"er. The domestic worker may terminate the em#loyment relationshi# at any time be"ore the e)#iration o" the contract "or any o" the "ollowin! ca&ses: (a) Cerbal or emotional ab&se o" the domestic worker by the em#loyer or any member o" the ho&sehold' (b) Inh&man treatment incl&din! #hysical ab&se o" the domestic worker by the em#loyer or any member o" the ho&sehold' (c) 4ommission o" a crime or o""ense a!ainst the domestic worker by the em#loyer or any member o" the ho&sehold' (d) Ciolation by the em#loyer o" the terms and conditions o" the em#loyment contract and other standards set "orth &nder this law' (e) Any disease #re+&dicial to the health o" the domestic worker$ the em#loyer$ or memberDs o" the ho&sehold' and (") 8ther ca&ses analo!o&s to the "ore!oin!. Secti ! 3#. Termination .nitiated by the #mployer. An em#loyer may terminate the ser(ices o" the domestic worker at any time be"ore the e)#iration o" the contract$ "or any o" the "ollowin! ca&ses: (a) 9iscond&ct or will"&l disobedience by the domestic worker o" the law"&l order o" the em#loyer in connection with the "ormer2s work' (b) @ross or habit&al ne!lect or ine""iciency by the domestic worker in the #er"ormance o" d&ties'

(c) Bra&d or will"&l breach o" the tr&st re#osed by the em#loyer on the domestic worker' (d) 4ommission o" a crime or o""ense by the domestic worker a!ainst the #erson o" the em#loyer or any immediate member o" the em#loyer2s "amily' (e) Ciolation by the domestic worker o" the terms and conditions o" the em#loyment contract and other standards set "orth &nder this law' (") Any disease #re+&dicial to the health o" the domestic worker$ the em#loyer$ or memberDs o" the ho&sehold' and (!) 8ther ca&ses analo!o&s to the "ore!oin!. Secti ! 3$. #mployment Certification. ) A#on the se(erance o" the em#loyment relationshi#$ the em#loyer shall iss&e the domestic worker within "i(e (-) days "rom re0&est a certi"icate o" em#loyment indicatin! the nat&re$ d&ration o" the ser(ice and work #er"ormance. ARTICLE VI PRIVATE EMPLO)MENT AGENCIES Secti ! 36. Regulation of Private #mployment $gencies %P#$s&. ) The D867 shall$ thro&!h a system o" licensin! and re!&lation$ ens&re the #rotection o" domestic workers hired thro&!h the 37As. The 37A shall be +ointly and se(erally liable with the em#loyer "or all the wa!es$ wa!e*related bene"its$ and other bene"its d&e a domestic worker. The #ro(ision o" 3residential Decree :o. ==;$ as amended$ otherwise known as the "6abor 4ode o" the 3hili##ines"$ on 0&ali"ications o" the 37As with re!ard to nationality$ networth$ owners and o""icers$ o""ice s#ace and other re0&irements$ as well as nontrans"erability o" license and commission o" #rohibited #ractices$ shall a##ly. In addition$ 37As shall ha(e the "ollowin! res#onsibilities: (a) 7ns&re that domestic workers are not char!ed or le(ied any recr&itment or #lacement "ees' (b) 7ns&re that the em#loyment a!reement between the domestic worker and the em#loyer sti#&lates the terms and conditions o" em#loyment and all the bene"its #rescribed by this Act' (c) 3ro(ide a #re*em#loyment orientation brie"in! to the domestic worker and the em#loyer abo&t their ri!hts and res#onsibilities in accordance with this Act' (d) Kee# co#ies o" em#loyment contracts and a!reements #ertainin! to recr&ited domestic workers which shall be made a(ailable d&rin! ins#ections or whene(er re0&ired by the D867 or local !o(ernment o""icials' (e) Assist domestic workers with res#ect to com#laints or !rie(ances a!ainst their em#loyers' and

(") 4oo#erate with !o(ernment a!encies in resc&e o#erations in(ol(in! ab&sed or e)#loited domestic workers. ARTICLE VII SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES Secti ! 3%. +echanism for Settlement of Disputes. ) All labor*related dis#&tes shall be ele(ated to the D867 1e!ional 8""ice ha(in! +&risdiction o(er the work#lace witho&t #re+&dice to the "ilin! o" a ci(il or criminal action in a##ro#riate cases. The D867 1e!ional 8""ice shall e)ha&st all conciliation and mediation e""orts be"ore a decision shall be rendered. 8rdinary crimes or o""enses committed &nder the 1e(ised 3enal 4ode and other s#ecial #enal laws by either #arty shall be "iled with the re!&lar co&rts. ARTICLE VIII SPECIAL PROVISIONS Secti ! 3&. .nformation Program. The D867 shall$ in coordination with the DI6@$ the $ the 3hil5ealth and 3a!*IBI@ de(elo# and im#lement a contin&o&s in"ormation dissemination #ro!ram on the #ro(isions o" this Act$ both at the national and local le(el$ immediately a"ter the enactment o" this law. Secti ! 3'. "Araw :! 9!a Kasambahay". The date &#on which the 3resident shall a##ro(e this "Domestic Workers Act" shall be desi!nated as the "Araw n! m!a Kasambahay". ARTICLE I+ PENAL AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Secti ! #0. Penalty. ) Any (iolation o" the #ro(isions o" this Act declared &nlaw"&l shall be #&nishable with a "ine o" not less than Ten tho&sand #esos (3,<$<<<.<<) b&t not more than Borty tho&sand #esos (3=<$<<<.<<) witho&t #re+&dice to the "ilin! o" a##ro#riate ci(il or criminal action by the a!!rie(ed #arty. Secti ! #1. Transitory Provision4 3on/Diminution of Benefits. ) All e)istin! arran!ements between a domestic worker and the em#loyer shall be ad+&sted to con"orm to the minim&m standards set by this Act within a #eriod o" si)ty (?<) days a"ter the e""ecti(ity o" this Act: Provided( That ad+&stments #ertainin! to wa!es shall take e""ect immediately a"ter the determination and iss&ance o" the a##ro#riate wa!e order by the 1TW3Bs: Provided( further( That nothin! in this Act shall be constr&ed to ca&se the dimin&tion or s&bstit&tion o" any bene"its and #ri(ile!es c&rrently en+oyed by the domestic worker hired directly or thro&!h an a!ency. Secti ! #". .mplementing Rules and Regulations. Within ninety (E<) days "rom the e""ecti(ity o" this Act$ the ecretary o" 6abor and 7m#loyment$ the ecretary o" ocial Wel"are and De(elo#ment$ the ecretary o" the Interior and 6ocal @o(ernment$ and the Director @eneral o" the 3hili##ine :ational 3olice$ in coordination with other concerned !o(ernment a!encies and accredited non!o(ernment or!ani%ations (:@8s) assistin! domestic workers$ shall #rom&l!ate the necessary r&les and re!&lations "or the e""ecti(e im#lementation o" this Act. ARTICLE + FINAL PROVISIONS

Secti ! #3. Separability Clause. I" any #ro(ision or #art o" this Act is declared in(alid or &nconstit&tional$ the remainin! #arts or #ro(isions not a""ected shall remain in "&ll "orce and e""ect. Secti ! ##. Repealing Clause. ) All articles or #ro(isions o" 4ha#ter III (7m#loyment o" 5o&sehel#ers) o" 3residential Decree :o. ==;$ as amended and ren&mbered by 1e#&blic Act :o. ,<,-, are hereby e)#ressly re#ealed. All laws$ decrees$ e)ec&ti(e orders$ iss&ances$ r&les and re!&lations or #arts thereo" inconsistent with the #ro(isions o" this Act are hereby re#ealed or modi"ied accordin!ly. Secti ! #$. #ffectivity Clause. This Act shall take e""ect "i"teen (,-) days a"ter its com#lete #&blication in the-fficial ,a5ette or in at least two (;) national news#a#ers o" !eneral circ&lation.

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