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English Courses for Adults Who hasnt heard something like this before?

Small children learn languages so easily, their brains are like sponges! Im too old now! What chance have I got? Of course its true that children between the ages of 1 and 5 acquire a huge vocabulary and their native language syntax. This, however, definitely isnt solely a function of age. Children spend these 4 years, basically, completely immersed in their native language. Who is to say that an adult, afforded the same chance and freed from the time constraints of their busy life couldnt make similar progress? So rather than focusing on the advantages those little blighters have, lets focus on us adults, our advantages and what we can gain from English courses for adults. We generally have longer attention spans and, therefore, tend to thrive in a classroom environment in a way that children struggle to. We judge ourselves too harshly! The standards required for a child speaking English at a primary school level are much more forgiving than an adult who is learning English to improve their CV. Grammatical rules are less strictly enforced and the range and register of vocabulary less varied and scrutinized. Were also better at understanding body language and social cues. Non-verbal communication should never be discounted when considering understanding in second languages and your average adult is streets ahead in this respect Heres another ray of hope: As adults, were absolutely capable of handling and manipulating abstract concepts (show me a toddler who could wrap their head around the idea of a 3 rd conditional!) Lets not be too disparaging of the little ones their cognitive facility is still just developing, but it just goes to show you that the outlook isnt as bleak as you might have thought!

Patrick Smith

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