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Rosenbalm 1 Taylor Rosenbalm Teaching Fellows Professor Arriola 7 November 2013 Classroom Management I have always wanted to do this

for as long as I have wanted to teach. We are going to sit down and make out class rules. The students are going to come up with them themselves, this way they are held accountable. If you come up with a rule you are more likely to follow it because you dont want to break your own rule. This process will be discussion/ class meeting based and will be completely up to them; I will only be there to facilitate the conversation. I would assume they would come up with rules like: no cheating and if you forget your homework you cant participate, things like that. The rules that the students come up with will be written down and all the students will sign the rules; their promise to abide by them. Of course they will also have to follow the rules of the school, but when it comes to inside the class they are in charge of the rules they must follow. When a student breaks a rule I hope that the rest of their classmates will hold them accountable and responsible for their actions, this way there is a sort of checks and balance system within the class, not a tattle system just keeping everyone in check. I think that the students may not want to get called out by their classmates so they will try their best to have everything done and complete all their work. Also I would like to establish an honor code type deal in my class. If youre cheating you are only hurting yourself, because if you dont know this then you will struggle on the later tests and quizzes as well. Its better to fail while trying than to

Rosenbalm 2 pass while cheating. I just want there to be a sense of respect throughout my classroom in all aspects. I know every teacher hopes their class is perfect when they first start teaching and believe that they will have all the answers and every method they use will work out. I realize this may not happen but I plan to have clear high expectation of my students. They will know that I expect nothing less than their best in all aspects of my classroom. I am all about encouragement and I think that will show through in my classroom. I dont want anyone to feel like they are falling behind and that they arent noticed.

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