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Saige Salazar Metacognition on Rhetorical Analysis Reflecting on my experience writing the rhetorical analysis of two papers discussing art

censorship I came to a different personal conclusion than originally intended. I hadnt really thought deeply about where the two papers were coming from, one a college professors personal publication, another from TIME magazine. The idea of location of publication hadnt occurred to me as a big deal, yet throughout the process of analyzing I realized I had been missing something very important. The fact that DeGenevieves paper on art censorship was vastly richer in rhetoric and intellectual stimulation was enough to carry me through the rhetorical breaking down process. A detail I had overlooked was that Peckham has the audience of a magazine; audience began to present itself as an important factor in my analysis. Rhetoric proves to be an important dissecting tool when viewing anything, and I am glad to say that I can now navigate my way through anything, like: advertisements, media, educational material, literature, etc. The skill of analysis and a clear understanding of rhetoric will help me not only in future educational endeavors, but also the rest of my life. Throughout writing I subconsciously was being tugged towards the realization that is important for every writer to grasp. That realization being that audience is a huge factor, whether this is fair or not, when writing and whether or not you have that audience affects how well you will be understood and thus recognized for your work. It hadnt originally mattered to me where these papers were coming from, but now I realize that along with the actual content of the work there is a status that goes along with where you publish, which leads into who will be reading. All essays prior to this one I had never cared about audience, but now I feel I have grasped that realization that is absolutely vital for comprehension.

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