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The North Born Alliance AR1 November 683

The mist receded from Broughton Isle as the sun rose from the east, revealing at first the ruins of an ancient city, and then the new structures that had been raised in the last year. From the highest walls and towers flew black pennants, edged in crimson and with four streaks of brown, white, red and blue. As the entrants strode from the docks towards the opening gates, a fanfare blasted from within. Along the walls stood men from two tribes, the Tungrians and LegioIX, and within stood in ranks was the City Guard of Broughton alongside the mercenaries known as The Stone Guardians. The diplomats followed the route to the entrance to the town hall, where they were welcomed by Kalan, the leader of Broughton, as well as Corvus of the Tungrians - who was helped to stand by two of his officers Cerialis of LegioIX, Keldak of The Stone Guardians, and a man in white robes who offered no name but simply the title of High Advocate. The diplomats were led within the hall to the great square stone table which had their names carved in front of their seats.

As well as the leaders mentioned above were carved Wulf of the Wildlings, Torvid Coldfinger of Freehold, Magnus of El Dorado, Snorri Skullsplitter of Sturmheim, Tuatha Greywind of Mercanthor, Wotan Greyrider of Anselm, Grim Ironfist of the Halls Of Valhalla and Thundervein of the Iron Storm. There were many more spaces around the great table without a carving of any kind, and there was no head of the table to give dominance to any one member. All took their seats except Kalan, who gave a speech about the structure of the Alliance, its needs, and also its strong beliefs. Once the alliance was signed the leaders exited the hall as one to more fanfare. The City Guard, Mercenaries and warriors from the two tribes had formed up full array, with the pennant of the North Born Alliance flying alongside their own. Kalan went on to explain that Broughton would be hosting many events over the next week to give the leaders a chance to interact and learn each-others customs. There would be horse racing, combats and feasts as well as an area where trading of knowledge could be enacted. The thirteen men stood in a long line on the town hall steps as the pennants of the North Born Alliance fluttered in the breeze above their heads and visions of the future raced through their minds.

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