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This project is designed to allow students to utilize the design thinking process to create a public health initiative.

Internet resources Textbook resources Google docs Survey Monkey Excel

Students will gain data gathering and analysis skills Students will gain communication & presentation skills utilizing technology ethically and efficiently.

Utilizing the design thinking process students will create a public health initiative based on need and prototype their initiative to test its effectiveness. Empathize: students will need to survey the population in order to determine need Define: Students will define their POV based on their data analysis from the empathy stage Ideate: Students will brainstorm and create ideas on ways to implement change Prototype: Students will create more than one prototype to test validity and effectiveness Test: Students will test their final choice prototype based on data analysis from the prototype stage.

Other Resources
Based on their design students will need to provide their own supplies for prototype and test stages.

Students will have the opportunity to request more time and or help on stages within the project.

Data and data analysis for the empathy stage POV statement Documentation of the ideate stage Data

How to Combat the Flu (DT)

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