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Douglas Phillips Mrs.

Davis Engl 1213 30 August 2013 Dear future generations: I am Douglas Ryan Phillips born to Kenneth Lee, and Patricia Lynn Phillips on March 27, 1990 in Tulsa, OK. I am writing this letter to my unborn future generations. I am using this letter as a tool to express my past, present, and future hopes. I also will cover life lessons, experiences, and beliefs, as well as a brief family history. I am not a very emotional person; at least I do not show it very much. I am utilizing this letter to express these feelings, that future generations may know who I am and what I believe.

First, I will briefly tell you about me and where I am from. As mentioned earlier I was born in Tulsa, OK to Kenny and Pat Phillips. I have two brothers and a sister. Cory the eldest of the siblings is an aspiring actor, Brian who is 2 years younger than I, is a college student at Northeastern State University, and the youngest Tory is a college student as well at Rogers State University. We all grew up in the same house off of Maple Lane in Verdigris, OK where my parents still currently live. This is where we were all homeschooled up until 2004. As I sit writing this letter I am 23 years old and working on my Bachelors in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

My parents have been some of the most influential people in my life. In the eighth grade my parents decided to quit homeschooling us and put us into the public school system. This was especially rough on me. In attempts to make new friends I got into the wrong crowd of people. I will spare you the ugly details and note that I grew greatly from these experiences and would not be who I am today nor would I have accomplished what I have. My parents stood by my side through it all and always had faith that I would one day grow up and make something of myself. For this, I am eternally grateful, and hope to, one day, repay them.

My hopes, dreams, and aspirations for future generations are simple. First things first, seek God in everything you do. In this day and age, God is becoming less and less a part of peoples lives. The reason we are on this earth is to glorify God. Second, give of yourself, and not just money but time. My father and grandfather are the leading example of this principle. They do not have a whole lot of money and never have, but what they are able to give is their time. They once took vacation time from work went to Sunray, TX, and built a church sanctuary. The day before they were supposed to leave; a storm came through and completely leveled the entire building they had just framed, and tipped their brand new work truck on its side. They didnt get discouraged. They came home, got their truck fixed, and within 2 weeks they took another weeks vacation went back to Sunray and started all over. This is a quality I have long admired and have modeled my entire life around. If my future generations did the same the world would be a much better place.

Life is too short, a phrase I have heard all my life, but ignored its importance and truth. In your struggles in life remember that everything is temporary, your heart ache from your ex is just for a little while, that job you hate or that boss that is a dick is temporary, and that awful haircut you got from that one sketchy looking barber will grow back. When you get down and depressed say a prayer then hold you head up and remember it is only for a little while. Life is too short to not take advantage of every opportunity and to experience what life has to offer. You are never too young to impact a life.

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