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RBSPS Mailing.

18/08/13 15:25

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Dear Friends It is a very great honour to become the president of the Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery and it will not be a tall order to earn all the trust that my fellow board members have given me. We thank Jean-Luc Nizet for guiding us diligently through two eventful years and for organizing an excellent congress in Lige. We hope that we can further rely on his great expertise and negotiation skills in defending our specialty. Our congratulations to Laurence Boon and her husband Mikka Vikkula who won the most prestigious Inbev-Baillet Latour prize for their scientific work on vascular malformations. From this month onwards we will start a trial period on Twitter (Bert Oelbrandt) and on Facebook (Ivar Van Heijningen). To be on the social networks becomes mandatory for any organization these days and if you have a comment, please submit it to the secretary, Aurlie Geldhof ( It will be screened by myself and / or the presidentelect (Gatan Willemart) before publication. This is for all of us a learning period and any suggestions will be followed up.

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The four task forces (Communication, Regulation, Internal Organization and Private Clinics) are also in operation but with variable success and more assistance is very welcome. The four RBSPS congresses which are planned for the coming period are: Autumn Meeting 2013 - 07/12/2013 in Dolce La Hulpe, organized by J. Van Geertruyden: "Complications & unfavourable results". International speakers will be invited on aesthetic subject: orbitopalpebral surgery and its complications. Spring Meeting 2014 - 10/05/2014 in Knokke, organized by M. Medot & I. Van Heijningen: "Midface" Autumn Meeting 2014 - 15/11/2014 in Dolce La Hulpe Spring / Summer Meeting 2015: a joint meeting with BAPRAS (UK) in Brussels (to be confirmed by the next BAPRAS-president elect in November). Please also check the calendar for the following events coming up: CATFAS IV - Gent, 7-9 June 2013 Controversy in Oncoplastic Surgery - Brussels, 13 June 2013 Palatal Challenges - Gent, 16 November 2013. On the international front we have planned: BRA-day: The Third Annual International Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day that will take place on October 16th. RBSPS is Page 1 of 2

RBSPS Mailing.

18/08/13 15:25

trying to improve our collaboration with "Beautiful ABC" and we also hope to involve more people than last year. Please contact us if you want to take part. EURAPS 2016 in Brussels (Moustapha Hamdi) IPRAS 2017 in Brussels (Albert De Mey & Phillip Blondeel) is now in doubt because of the many negative reports on the organization of the Chili Meeting 2013. We hope that IPRAS ExCo can still come up with an acceptable solution. Finally there is an agreement between ISAPS and RBSPS negotiated by Alex Verpaele with Catherine Foss: a Belgian application is now much more swift and easy, not needing godfathers, with minimal administration and no application fee (100$). Please use this opportunity if you can. The law on prohibition of publicity for aesthetic surgery has been abolished by the constitutional court on the grounds that it is discriminative compared to other professionals such as aestheticians. We have been informed though that the minister of health will soon submit a new proposal that eliminates discrimination. The RBSPS board supports a ban on reality soaps, advertisements, price reductions and sale actions, as plastic surgery is part of medicine and patients should not be solicited commercially. To conclude we congratulate Alex Gerdom for the best paper on the spring meeting in Lige. He only starts his training this year: a great achievement. There is a saying in the UK: "Belgian Plastic Surgery punches far above its weight". Let's live up to it.

Kind regards Leuven 26/05/2013 Frans EM Missotten

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