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6/6 B. 5/6. I missed number 6. I put la comida as l, but I now know I cant do that C. 6/6 D. 10/10 E. 21/22.

I missed 13 because I conjugated l siempre me preguntar in the yo form, when I should have conjugated it to the he/she F. 5/5 G. 15/15 H. 10/10 I. 11/11 J. 8/8 K. 3/5. I forgot how to conjugate preferir, but now I know it is prefiero/prefieren L. 1/8 I missed the accent on all of these. The correct answers are confas, confo, continan, actan,continua, confan, confamos M. 6/6 N. N. 5/5 O. 5/5 P. 5/5 Q. 6/6 R. 2/2 S. 5/8. I didnt know that muere was morir, atraviesa was atrevesar, and I didns know enciendes was encender T. 4/4 U. 7/7 V. 7/7 W. 7/7 X. 9/9 Y. 6/8. I didnt know how to conjugate influir, but now I know it is influyen. I also missed llovar into llueve because I forgot about the stem change. Z. No anawers, but I think I did it well AA. No answers but I feel confident I conjugated right.

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