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Sean Mortell English 1101-069 Ms.

Hinnant December 3, 2013 Literacy Narrative Reflection One of the first things we did to start working on our literacy narrative was to define literacy as not just reading, but also writing and speaking, or basically anyway to communicate ideas. This was something I had never thought about before since I had only thought of literacy as just being able to read. Then I found the topic of the how people develop the way their way of writing, reading and speaking very interesting. I find it so interesting for everyone has a different story and different events that affected them in different ways. No one but that person can tell you about how they experienced the events and how they felt better then themselves. I found reading different peoples literacy narratives very informative for they each have different ways of telling their story and even though some people may have similar events happen to them it all affects them differently. One such instance we had to read in class was Parish Jenkins narrative and how he read the King James Bible. It was also interesting that he learned to read from it and then spoke in front of his church. For my own literacy narrative I found it very hard to find the events that really affected my own literacy. But once I found those events it all seemed to come very easily for me and the words just all seemed to flow. I felt the easy was a very good one to do for it is was something I had never thought about and really made me think about what affected my reading, writing and

speech. I feel this was a very good paper to start off the class for made us understand were our literacy came from and its not from a teacher who taught us to read and write, but how we developed our own understanding of what we reading, how we write and how we speak to one another.

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