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Sexual Orientation Harassment In 1993, a study entitled Hostile Hallways conducted by AAUW was one of the first studies

s to target LGB students, and it was followed u! in "##1 found that one for$ of harass$ent had increased since the !re%ious study was the calling another student gay or lesbian& Boys re!orted the this occurred twice as often ' 9( %& 19() and girls that it occurred three ti$es as often ' *( %& 13() a decade earlier, whereas $ost other for$s of harass$ent had re$ained constant or decreased& In 199*, the first study that $ade a central issue of se+ual orientation harass$ent and other for$s of ho$o!hobia in schools was !ublished by ,afe ,chools -oalition of Washington, and the researcher docu$ented *# cases of harass$ent ranging fro$ na$e.calling to beatings and ra!e, which confir$ed se%eral of the findings fro$ the AAUW he co$$on thread in these studies was the recognition that ho$o!hobia is a !re%alent issue in schools and that it has a %ariety of negati%e i$!acts on all students& Meyer, Elizabeth J. (2009). Gender, Bullying, and Harassment: trategies t! end e"ism and H!m!#h!bia in $h!!ls. #g. %&'%9. Growing up LGBT in America: View Statistics Hu$an /ights -a$!aign 0 in 1# LGB youth '0"() say the co$$unity in which they li%e is not acce!ting of LGB !eo!le& LGB youth are twice as li1ely as their !eers to say they ha%e been !hysically assaulted, 1ic1ed or sho%ed at school& "2( of LGB youth say their biggest !roble$s are not feeling acce!ted by their fa$ily, trouble at school3bullying, and fear to out3o!en& ""( of non.LGB youth say their biggest !roble$s are trouble with class, e+a$s and grades&

9"( of LGB youth say they hear negati%e $essages about being LGB with the to! sources being school and the internet&

Human (ights )am#aign (20%%'20%*). Gr!+ing u# ,GB- in .meri$a: /ie+ tatisti$s.

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