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Bryan Zheng Mr.

Sines Creative Writing 8 February 2011 The Special day Its Mothers day, Hope woke up early excited about seeing her mom today. Its only on special occasions, mainly this day, when Hope sees her mom since she lives so far away. Not only does Hope rarely see her mom but when she sees her, they barely talk to each other. Hope was always shy to people she didnt know or people she havent talk to for a while. Hope has a different relationship with her dad. Hope lives with her dad. He always cared about Hope and her mom. He usually tells Hope stories about her mom. He tells stories about how she loves the color red or how she loves snow. These where his favorite stories because it brings back memories of what they use to have. What do you want to get your mom this year, Hope? Something original. Flowers, again? Yeah. Hope and her dad get ready to go to a nearby by flower shop. Hope always looked at the roses, mainly red roses. She tries to pick out the best-looking roses out of the bunch. Dont you think your mom will get tired of red roses every year? She nods her head. Hope carries the roses carefully in the car and holds it during the ride so they are not smashed or destroyed before they even delivered to her. It was a 3 hour ride. She didnt sleep through the ride, she just stared out the window while listening to the radio and still holding the flowers. When they arrived, Hope

jumped out the car stretching and yawning. She checked the flowers to see if they were any damages done to them. Expectedly, they werent. Hope, knowing where her mom would be, walked up to her like a new bride carrying a bouquet down the hall. Hope gave a gazing look at her. Happy Mothers day. whispered Hope. And she lays the roses on the grave.

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