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God the judge of everybody - Revelation 20:11-15 v11 Then I saw God. He was sitting on a large white *throne.

His face was so wonderful that the earth and the sky disappeared. Nobody ever saw them again. v12 Then I saw all the people who had died. They were standing in front of the *throne. Everyone was there, whoever they were. Then, Gods servants opened the books. In these books were the records of everyones deeds. And there was another open book called the book of life. By what was in the books, God decided on the future of each person. v13 So, the dead people came to hear Gods judgement. They came from the sea. They came from death itself. They came from the world of death. So, God gave his judgement on each of them because of what each person had done. v14 The punishment of death and hell was to go into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. v15 Anyone whose name was not in the book of life had to go into the lake of fire. Verse 11 John saw a great white *throne. And God, who has all power, sat on that *throne. He shone with *glory and power. Earth and heaven disappeared. They seemed to run away from that *glory and power. So, the earth and the sky as we know them did not still exist. Isaiah had said that the skies would vanish like smoke. And the earth would wear out like clothes (Isaiah 51:6). Peter writes that heaven and the earth will burn up with fire (2 Peter 3:10-12). The old earth and sky have to go before the new earth and sky can come. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. *Sin spoiled the old earth. The new earth will be perfect.

Verse 12 Then every person who had died stood in front of the *throne. All people from Adam to the end of time were there. This may not include those whom God raised at the start of the 1000 years. But all the rest were there. Nobody was too important to be there and nobody was too unimportant. There, God was the judge of each person. The record of each persons life was in front of God. And God knew all that persons acts, words and thoughts. There was another book in front of God. This is the book of life. These two books had all the evidence that God needed. So, he decided what the future should be for each person. Verse 13 John makes it clear that all people were there. Those who died at sea were there. All who were in the world of dead people were there. Everyone who had died was there in front of the *throne. The full account of all that each had done was there. On that record, God gave his judgement. Verse 14 The *Jews understood that dead persons went to Hades. God threw that place and death itself into the lake of fire. The second death is the lake of fire. That lake of fire continues and it never ends. Those who go there will exist in it. They will be with *Satan, *Antichrist and the false *prophet who will be there already. Verse 15 Those whose names were in the book of life did not go into the lake of fire. These are Gods people. These people believe in Christ. They believe in the real God. They do not suffer any punishment because Jesus Christ has taken all their *sins. He suffered on their behalf and God accepts them because of the *Lord Jesus.

For those who do not suffer in the lake of fire, there is no more death. God has destroyed death, the last enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26). God has raised them to life without end. That life is with God and with the *Lord Jesus Christ. Those who are not in the book of life will go to the lake of fire.

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