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Originally, I sent messages but it failed to be delivered... The message delivery was failed..

Sorry for
amateur mistake, again.

This notice is about grading criteria and final exam


Grading criteria the grading would be absolute evaluation. The grade would be divided
into 3 part Quiz(& exam), participation (group mission, attendance), assignment. Specific
portion of each is accordingly, 30%, 40%, 30%. For each of them, we will sum up all tasks
which youve done, and we will score them absolutely.


For assignments so far, grading are all done, a TA is doing the integrating work. Scores
might be uploaded on the first week of December. I want to emphasize that TAs have no
intention to grade you low or bother you with fastidious attitude. But still there could be
some mistakes, I know that students are so sensitive to grade. If you find some strange
aspect in your grade, before act panicky, please tell TAs, TA would remember you with some
details, we can fix the mistakes. The late submission/official absent would be missed in this
current report, they would be summed up later.


The final exam will be optional. The format would be same or similar with the big quiz at
midterm period (Take home, T/F questions, Short description questions, Bonus questions).
What I say optional means that you can take test if you want to recover your score and
even if you dont take test, your grade would remain same. And if your final result is worse
than before, the final grade would be deleted automatically. In other words, Final exam
would make your grade same as or better than before, not worse. The final test will be
provided before final exam period, and the submit due would be someday on the next
week of final period. If you are happy with your own grade without final exam, you dont
have to take final.


About bonus questions, now the class is going to the end. From the start of the class, there
were some big questions, w.r.t your life and others life. We intended the question remains
for long time after the class and wanted you to answer them sometime after. I know that
some people keep thinking about the questions. As this class is philosophy class, that
attitude it the most important aspect which is desired to be. So during those contemplation
about previous questions, please submit questions/notes about your contemplation. You
might want to mail to Professor White or submit it as hardcopy, anytime in the class. If it
shows that you have contemplated deeply enough, then you will get bonus point. The

bonus point would influence your grade quite a lot. For example, 2 ~ 3 bonus point might
change your grade from A- to A0 or B- to B0.

Sincerely, TA. Wonsuk Yang

.. , .


. 3 . /,
( , ), , 30%, 40%, 30%.
30, 40, 30 ,



. TA
, 12
, ,
. , .


. big quiz . Take

home, T/F question .

/ .

. .

. .

. ,
/ .
, , .

, .
. 2~3
A- A0, B- B0 (

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