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Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is data-led approached which involved numbers and statistics. The research is easily presented into a report for analysis. NRS (National Readership Survey) provide estimated readership of the people who read magazines and newspapers. ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulations) provide the figures for both print and digital formats.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is focused more on feelings and opinions; who the readers are and what they are interested in.

This research is presented with open questions so you are obliged to say what you want.

Socio-economic Status
SES is a measure of an individuals or familys economic status and social position in relation to others. Their social income is based on income, education and occupation.

NRS Social Grades

NRS social grades were developed by the NRS to classify magazine and newspaper readers. Theses grades are based upon occupation and if you are the head of the household, your social grade is determined by your occupation.

A - Upper Middle Class B Middle Class C1 Lower Middle Class C2 Skilled Working Class D Working Class E Non-Working Class

Psychographics is the study of personality, values, attitudes, interests and lifestyles, although they can be broken down into smaller studies such as behavioral variables, demographic variables and organizational variables.

This method uses demographic information from national census. The idea is that you would find that people living in the same area tend to have similar lifestyles.

Age is an important thing to know when it comes to targeting your audience, this is because different age groups like different things.

For example to read a men's health magazine the age would usually be 20+ and it would be very unlikely to see a child aged 4 to read it.

This research is easy when it comes to a product you only want to give to one type of gender.
For example vogue magazine is generally for women, so finding this information out on them will be easier then a product such as a newspaper which is aimed at both men and women.

Mainstream and Niche Audiences



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