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Victoria Mugambi 1. Summarize your process. How did you write this essay? What parts were easier?

Harder? Writing Essay 2 was actually harder than Essay 1. In Essay 1 all I had to do was find arguments for both sides of the issue. However, in Essay 2, I had to find evidence to persuade the reader that the side I was defending was the right side. I did research to buld my argument and found sources that would adequately supprt my side of the issue. Doing the research was the easy part; fitting it all together into a coherant essay was harder. 2. Compare this essay to Essay 1. Was this essay more or less challenging? Why? This essay was definitely more challenging than Essay 1 because it focused in on one side of the issue which meant having to use sources that supported my stand versus just finding sources relating to my topic in general. 3. What did you learn about yourself as a writer during Essay 2? I learned that I'm better at writing essays that don't have a strict structure. In Essay 1 I hopped from sources to source without having a rigid structure to follow, but in Essay 2 I was following a claim+reason+evidence structure for the entire paper which is harder for me to do that just writing with the flow. 4. What did you struggle with in Essay 1 that you tried to improve in Essay 2? In Essay 1 the only thing I had trouble with was keeping up with the sources I did and didn't use so in Essay 2 I made an effort to cite a source the second I used it in the paper so I wouldn't forget about it at the end. 5. How did you meet the course objectives in Essay 2? Rhetorical Knowledge- Shaped and adhered the essay to make it as persuasive as possible for the reader Critical Reading, Thinking, and Writing- Used writing for learning, thinking, communcating and found, evaluated, and analyzed sources for the essay. Writing Process Strategies- Implored the Toulmin Frame as a structure for the essay Knowledge of Conventions- Used drafts of both the Toulmin Frame and the final essay Composing in Electronic Environments- Worked on the essay both in class and at home on a computer

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