Multi Genre Powerpoint

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By: Dashanna White


Outgoing A good leader Participation matters Needy

Loves to hold conversations

The life of the party Arrogant Speak without thinking

Attention Seekers
All noise Afraid to be alone Dont listen


Shy Need help socializing Not leadership material Dont have fun

Hate parties
Not team players

Hard for them to speak

Would be an extrovert if they could Dont do much

These assumptions that are commonly made are not always true. In fact, most of the time these assumptions are false. When people hear the word extrovert they automatically assume that person is outgoing and hates to be alone. When people hear the word introvert they automatically assume that person is shy and they wouldnt be a good leader. Its these assumptions that make individuals feel as if they need to be a certain way.

All people are not on either end of the spectrum between extroverts and introverts. Some people lie somewhere in the middle of it all. There are extroverts who dont like being around people all the time and sometimes want to be left alone. Then there are introverts who arent as shy as they are made out to be and wouldnt mind taking on the chaos a crowd may bring. These are the ones who fall in the middle and possess qualities from both sides. Another assumption people commonly make is that extroverts and introverts cant get along or cant be friends because of their differences. This is also not true because when introverts and extroverts become friends they tend to balance each other out.

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