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Dear UNCC Parking and Transportation Services, It was very inconvenient receiving three parking tickets all within

two days of each other due to no parking availability. I understand that parking on the grass lawn next to Oak Hall is against the rules due to safety precautions but when there are no spots in the lot I had to take matters into my own hands and resolve the issue for my own safety. Last weekend I decided to leave campus and stay with my family for a few days, I planned on arriving back to Charlotte Sunday evening. As I drove and searched intently for a parking spot I noticed many vehicles without parking permits that didnt have the satisfaction of dealing with a $50 ticket. After circling around the hall five times it was already 11:00 pm. I wasnt comfortable driving across campus to park in a parking deck then walking alone all the way back to my dorm room. Seeing as I am a 52 girl, I know you wouldnt have felt safe being alone either. I saw a spot to park in the grass where another car had been for the past week. I figured it was better to be safe than sorry. I put my car in park, turned off the lights, locked my doors and hurried inside before anyone saw I was alone. The following morning I woke up to my roommates shaking me back to consciousness and informing me of a parking ticket that was placed under my windshield wiper. As I jumped out of bed and sprinted outside I saw the PATS vehicle drive away. I grabbed the ticket and sped off to try and explain to the campus service my reasoning behind parking in a no parking zone. As soon as I caught up to the van I spotted someone backing up out of a spot. I floored it to the perfectly paved parking spot right in front of my dorm room. After parking I walked back to my room and prepared for my classes that I had that day. I threw my backpack over my shoulder, drank my Starbucks and headed to Storrs for Sociology class. I walked past my car as it was on the way to

the sidewalk and noticed a very similar yellow slip of paper above my window. I rushed to see what I had done now. Passing a parking meter that I did not see before in front of the parking spot where I had parked my car earlier. I knew right then why youre staff had given me yet another ticket. The main problem that I have is that there are more students keeping their cars on campus now and paying $450 for a parking permit when there are fewer spots available for them at this hall. Also, Residents of other halls are keeping their cars in our lot. I dont appreciate being ticketed when I have a valid reason for parking in the grass or in a meter parking spot. I paid $450 for a parking permit, adding $50 for every ticket I received is ridiculous. Please make more parking spaces available or this will not be the last time you hear from me. Thank you, Haley Dwyer.

The Analysis Memo During this complaint letter is used ethos, pathos and logos to prove my points and reasoning that I was providing to the parking services. Each example actually happened and being able to use certain word choices throughout the letter portrayed it to be thought through and determined to question the actions of the campus parking office. My ethical appeal was to pose as a helpless young girl who didnt feel comfortable walking at night alone. My reasoning for parking in the grass was in fact valid and any young woman or

mother would agree. Although the campus would fight the reasoning and give you situations on what actions should have taken place, they werent there during that time so they really cant tell student what they should and should not have done. As for Pathos I used the fear of walking alone as my emotional reasoning for parking in the grass. An adult would understand, seeing as they have children they worry about also and it is the campus responsibility to keep their students safe. For the logical reason why I didnt feel safe would be the fact that I am a small female who could not defend herself unless she was accompanied by a male or carried protection such as pepper spray, a taser or was certified to carry a concealed weapon. Considering I didnt have any of those things, the only action that felt right was to park closer to my dorm around other people where nothing felt harmful. I believe my word choice in this letter helped the overall effectiveness of getting what I wanted in the end. As for the writing expectations of word choice for the reader I wanted them to relate to how I felt trying to find a close parking spot when all were taken and the closest spot was practically near the football field. These words define my thought process for my actions of parking in a no park zone in front of the dorm. Seeing as I am a 52 girl, I know you wouldnt have felt safe being alone either. I used descriptive words of my features to prove a point that I am not the scariest person to come across and any intruder on campus could take advantage of that which is why I was scared in the first place. The overall outcome that Im looking for after writing this complaint letter to parking services is that they will hopefully understand my reasons and appeal the tickets that werent necessary. Also Im hoping to accomplish the campus providing my hall with more parking spots to be open to just oak hall and the next time they provide students with parking permits, make sure their hall has enough for each resident so that some students will not feel in danger walking across campus

during the night. Safety is the key component in my letter and I addressed that thoroughly to get my point across. Im addressing this letter to Parking and Transportation Services because they are in charge of the parking citations that I was given. They deserved to hear my reasoning for why I shouldnt have to pay for 3 tickets when my explanation is reasonable. They are the first step in solving the parking space problem but knowing they wont take charge just to keep giving parking tickets, the actual school board is the next step in helping all of Oak Hall residents.

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